Bitwarden Roadmap

Updated January 2025

End user and community Passkeys Bitwarden for business
Rollout of Android native apps @ 100% Credential Exchange Protocol (CXP) support on mobile SSO w/ trusted devices: enabling device approvals on web app
Account security: in-product messaging to let users know of upcoming changes to verify logins on new devices Desktop (MacOS and Windows) native autofill of passwords and passkeys SSO w/ trusted devices: enabling device approvals on the browser extension
Account security: new device login verification via one-time email code to improve account security Autofill passkey notification popup redesign SSO w/ trusted devices: adding an email notification for admin device approval requests
Account security: Log user in after recovery code use Collection permissions: updating Can Edit permission to include the ability to delete items
End user onboarding and UI: browser extension UI refresh follow-on work Policies: new PIN policy that allows organizations to disable use of PIN
End user onboarding and UI: mobile app UI refresh Reporting expansions: new organization security insights and dashboards
End user onboarding and UI: mobile app empty states to drive onboarding Self-serve: enabling organizations to re-subscribe when they become past-due
End user onboarding and UI: shared state between web and browser to drive browser extension setup from account creation Self-serve: enabling existing users to start a trial from the website
Bitwarden Authenticator: synced vault items between Password Manager and Authenticator Provider Portal: adding the ability to add an existing organization as a client organization
Expansion to include attachments in export Gate account recovery behind domain claiming

Items listed on the roadmap are active, in-development initiatives from the Bitwarden product and engineering team. As the Bitwarden team releases new features, this roadmap will be updated as a living document so that the Bitwarden community will know what new items are in progress as well as items likely to be released near-term.

Any dates provided by Bitwarden team members on any initiatives are targets and will be continually revised as the team gets closer to release. As with all features, the top priority is ensuring security and product stability.

Previous releases
You can also review previous release notes to learn more about recently launched features.

Posting a feature request
Start here :arrow_left: to learn how to post a feature request.

Bitwarden Password Manager

Bitwarden Secrets Manager

Bitwarden Authenticator



Thanks for this updated roadmap!

Could you update the “roadmap” link in the top blue bar to point to this topic. At the moment, it is a broken link.

ETA: Thanks for fixing it. I tested and it now works for me.

I’m on the case!



While I was composing this response on the old Roadmap thread, the thread was closed and archived. So I’m reposting my feedback here.

Implementing linked custom fields for TOTP codes would go a long way towards alleviating existing pain points around TOTP auto-fill. That would at least allow users to solve TOTP auto-fill issues on their own until devs have optimized their field detection algorithms (which will always be a game of catch-up, I’m afraid).

In the meantime, it would be great if you could add the following two identifiers to the TotpFieldNames array:

  • verification_code (Amazon)
  • auth-mfa-otpcode (Mathworks)

I will submit these two on the Google form as well.


Could I ask if “Expansion of autofill menu with cards, identities and passkeys” would include credit card autofill on Android? I’m on the verge of switching to 1password due to the lack of this feature on Bitwarden, so would be good to know. Thanks.


Good question! This is referring to the autofill menu when using the browser extension. We’ll check in with our mobile team on feasibility of autofilling other vault item types - hopefully, iOS and Android make it easy to support!


I’m disappointed to see development efforts being diverted into the new inline auto-fill menu functionality, which many long-time Bitwarden users prefer to disable altogether. I sincerely hope that there is not some underlying corporate strategy to make this auto-fill method the main supported option, with new developments to enhance the inline auto-fill menus at the expense of supporting other auto-fill methods (like keyboard shortcuts) that are generally safer to use and more robust (less likely to malfunction or to break website functionality). For example, one long-standing community request is the ability to use keyboard shortcuts to autofill Identity or Card information — which is a request I believe will become even more pressing after the upcoming UI redesign (which removes the browser extension Tab page that is needed for card & identity auto-filling).


There is no current plan to deprecate existing autofill methods. The Bitwarden product philosophy is to provide flexibility so users can choose the methods they most prefer. The inline autofill menu is the newest released autofill method so the goal is to iterate on that so it is as fully featured as the other available methods.

All that to say, thank you for highlighting that request around keyboard shortcuts - it’s kicked off some internal discussion and how the team can also continue momentum in other autofill areas.


“Expansion of autofill menu with cards, identities and passkeys” Does this also cover SMS-based one-time passwords (OTPs)? Autofilling OTPs would greatly improve efficiency by eliminating extra clicks. Since Google and Samsung already offer this feature in their native password managers, it would be beneficial to implement it here as well.

Can you give any detail on the internal process to prioritising feature requests posted to the community. I understand a complicating factor is always going to be development effort - even if a feature is highly requested, if the architecture refactor is significant it might take a long time to prioritise - but I’m still curious about the process.

I’m mainly interested in the “offline editing support” feature that’s been one of the most popular requests here since 2018. This is the main barrier to us moving off our current closed-source solutions over to Bitwarden; it’s widely supported by competitors & required for any business environments that have devices that move between DMZs & LANs. It seems odd to me that such a feature would sit for so long without appearing on a public roadmap in any form.


Is there discussion around the TF provider anywhere? I’m hoping the team is looking at OpenTofu and testing (should be 1:1 compatible), but OpenTofu enabled statefile encryption and I’m curious if a key method could be used to manage the key out of secrets manager.

Opentofu is definitely on our radar, and its support will be included in the upcoming TF Provider release.

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Hey guys,why is a simple (to the user) such a tough feature to get built in? Sorting by last login or account age would be really helpful.

OMG The roadmap mentioned “Native passkey support on desktop (MacOS)”. Does It mean native auto fill support is coming?


and there will ever be an option to add such an option some other user wrote a post.


Are there any plans to add a desktop app or web access to Bitwarden Authenticator? The ability to sync Authenticator across platforms would be such a huge deal, IMHO.

I know this is a feature that a lot of people are looking for since leaving Authy and there aren’t currently many 2FA apps that have cross platform syncing as well as desktop and web access besides Ente Auth.

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What are the chances of getting an iOS widget for Bitwarden Password Manager and/or Authenticator? Thank you.

Seems like this roadmap item would accomplish that.

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This feature is coming soon - hopefully by end of year