Bitwarden Hosted Server

Well although Bitwarden does allow self hosted, I was thinking why doesnt BW have 2 hosted locations. i.e. US and Europe. Users from other parts of the world may prefer being hosted in Europe due to their privacy laws and better latencies.

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No news on this one?

I think Microsoft Azure takes care of this. Your data probably will be stored in a server according to your location. Microsoft Azure does allow its customers to comply with data laws of various countries.

Microsoft Azure gives “you” a choice. That is correct, and it will most likely present “you” the nearest datacenter, that is also correct.
But the you here is the initial person who sets up the server in Microsoft Azure.
If chose US datacenter then it will be and stay US based until they move servers to another region.

I am from EU and if I lookup on ( It gets resolved to a server in a US based datacenter (San Francisco).
So I highly doubt there is any EU based setup.

A pity.
For those that prefer or are obligated to store data locally, just found following feature request:
Please vote and/or comment if you are interested into non US data storage:
Data Residency - Feature Requests - Bitwarden Community Forums