Bitwarden browser extension not saving log ins

Same here, lets get this fixed please. Fully up to date chrome and windows 10 pro. No prompt, even after turning it off and on again. Sold this solution to a client, and I’m blown away that this isn’t fixed yet on any OS/Browser. Its been a year…

I migrated from LastPass, and this is very annoying. It has never suggested a website so far.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Browser: Brave

Can you please explain what the hold up is with this?

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Do you guys have a list of websites it doesn’t get suggested?

I mostly save it in the extension first but the few times I’ve tried it I’ve not seen a huge issue.

I’m also genuinely curious how you guys generate your random password without opening the extension? If you’re already in the extension to generate the password why not just save the whole item while you’re there? Are you guys creating your own passwords?

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I actually think that it works fine.

It works a lot better than the way many other password managers work in my view, for reasons several of us have explained before.

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If you’re using the browser extension (at least in Firefox), options to generate a password & auto-fill are available via the right-click context menu.

Agreed - I am trying to understand why this doesn’t work for so many people. I am using BW on MacOS, Windows, Linux, Android, and iPadOS, and I have been trying to keep track of when BW does not offer to save a password. So far, no instances.

For those of you having difficulty, can you provide the websites that don’t work?


Over 1 year later… and same problem

Really? What website @R0tten ?

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Windows 10
Chrome Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (64-bit)
BitWarden extension Version: 1.50.0

After toggling the switch like suggested… it now works for some websites but still not that one. I didn’t realize it’s website specific. Odd.

Yes, it is definitely website specific. Remember that Bitwarden has to guess when you are filling a new signup before it can offer to remember a new password, so any website that uses an unconventional approach to the form could escape detection. Most websites are handled well, but the algorithm is not perfect and it misses some.

In case it is helpful to you, you might try these two tips:

  1. If Bitwarden did not detect a new login that you created with a new random password, make use of the Password History in the Password Generator to go back and lookup the password it assigned. That way, you can at least manually create an entry in the occasional situation where BW missed adding it automatically.

  2. If you are not going to randomly generate a password for a new login, ALWAYS create an entry manually in Bitwarden before you complete the form on the website: (1) fill out your login and password info in a new BW entry, (2) save it, and then (3) BW will autofill the information into the new login form on the website for you. This takes no more time than filling out the form on the website and assuming BW will automatically save it.

Hope that helps!

This is an essential feature for a password manager. Doing the Bitwarden way takes much more time than Firefox, Chrome, etc take…
Other password manager have a more intuitive and quicker process. I want to support Bitwarden because of its open-source choice. I used Firefox Lockwise in my computers and mobiles and it works great! In mobile, it even fills other browsers and apps fields.
I hoped Bitwarden would be better because it solved the problem of have to use only firefox for saving passwords. Brave is my number 2 browser.

For what it’s worth, I have been having the same problem. Tried enabling/disabling the notifications. No dice.
I was getting notifications from Chrome’s password manager. Once I disabled it, Bitwarden immediately prompted to save the login to the page that I was on.
I don’t remember turning on Chrome’s PM, but it was on.

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This worked for me!
I have Chrome installed on Windows 10, but have not used it for 3 years, and back then I NEVER would have turned on Save PW and username. But it was on!
Disabled it, went back to Opera, and also did the Bitwarden Settings - Options - Disable/Reenable Of Add Login and it immediately started working.

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I just registered for while logged into Bitwarden Chrome extension, and it did not offer to save my password for me. I get that it can be difficult to make it 100% accurate for all sites, but come on, this is home base.
MacOS 11.7, Chrome 108, Bitwarden Version: 2022.12.1

Hey @jrez did you disable Chrome’s ability to manage credentials to prevent any interference?

I had “Offer to save passwords” off but “Auto sign-in” on, have disabled both now.

Edit: figured it out. I had LastPass running at the same time. Once disabled Bitwarden seems to offer to save now.

Does the extension offer to auto-save after the user creates the account, or during the sign-up process? In LastPass, the user clicks the available button in the form field itself, and is given a drop-down of items in the Vault.

From what I can tell, the context menu option only gives users the ability to fill in usernames and passwords. It does not also offer quick access to identity/form fill information.

Chrome - latest build, Ventura; extension just installed today. Under Settings > Options > “Add Login Notification” is not even an option. It’s not offering to save.

The options are named Asked to save login and Ask to update existing login. Also, make sure that all other password managers are disabled/uninstalled, as they can interfere with Bitwarden.