Auto-type/Autofill for logging into other desktop apps

OK everyone, the team at Bitwarden is like 20 people, so they can’t do everything that everyone wants in a timeframe that everyone wants. BW is great for many people, but CANNOT have every feature that everyone wants, they can’t.

I too would like Auto-type, but for me having tried many of the other PW managers out there, BW is the king, and it will take a heck of a lot to knock it off its pedestal.

+1000 to BW staff

PS: I just looked at KeyPass. ugh! that interface looks like a Win98 nightmare. oh man, I’m all for function over form, but DAMN, THAT PROG UGLY! i heard their next update will take the interface back to OS/2, and then DOS. I’d rather store my passwords manually written on punchcards!