Auto Sync Feature at custom interval

Feature name

  • Auto sync every particular time.

Feature function

  • What will this feature do differently?
    – It will auto sync automatically every single time and we don’t need to do it manually
  • What benefits will this feature bring?
    –It will bring cross platform real time sync up to the last seconds , I am having issues when I update something on bitwarden app or Extension , I want a real time auto sync up to the last second , since I am a premium member I anticipate you to implement this feature or at least add an option for the users to select a time frequency when he wants to automatically sync ( like every 5 seconds , every 10 minutes ,etc)

The Bitwarden mobile apps sync personal vaults automatically. Organization vaults are synchronized once every 30 minutes, or on-demand by navigating to: Settings > Sync > Sync Vault now

Sometimes it doesnt , also i think there should be an option to auto sync every custom time according to user @kspearrin @tgreer

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@Martin_Swapnil Could you please explain some more?

Your description seems to wish for an automatic sync every time something changes - and this is currently the case today for all individual vault items. Yes, sometimes it’s not exactly instant across all devices due to latency, networks, etc.

Or are you saying you’d like to sync every X minutes regardless?

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Yes I wanted that feature since it is only the one feature which can solve my problem .

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@tgreer @kspearrin are you guys gonna reply or satisfy the above request?

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We’ve captured it and will evaluate it like we do all requests here, I can’t say at this moment as to when or if it will be implemented, though.

edit - reminder - we do have an automatic sync function that keeps all clients updated, that is very close to instantaneous.

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+1, this is much needed and it is particularly annoying. I love Bitwarden and I pay for it, despite not needing to, but this is a constant issue on mobile and in my browser where a recently changed password hasn’t been synced even though it has been hours and I will have to manually sync. It should be instant.


I’ve seen syncs take longer than just a few minutes and I’ve had to manually sync. This typically happens if I’m adding logins with the firefox plugin and then I hop over to the web vault for adjustments / organize the new logins.

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Browser extensions won’t sync for up to an hour.


I too feel this is a very important feature, to automatically sync across all devices. The sync should be “update triggered”, currently that is not the case for my premium account. I have to trigger a manual sync if I want the change to sync across all my browsers and devices. The competitors have this feature and I surely miss it in Bitwarden.

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We wish the Devs could act up on the request ASAP.

I’m interested in this as well. I can enter new password info in the BW app, but it will not sync to the web, the browser extension, or the iPhone app for the extended period of time. I will ALWAYS have to manually sync if I want things to actually show up. I trying BW as an alternative to 1Password and this is honestly my only complaint. I was shocked that there were no sync settings. Please give us this option. I’m running BW on my NAS so it wouldn’t even cost you any clock cycles to do it.

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It’s been almost a year now you have not acted on the above feature request, i know you guys are trying to implement other features but could you please provide a timeline when can we expect this feature? all my friends and family , also lot of people on this community need this feature. @tgreer @kspearrin @AJ_Bitwarden

Would be cool to do not auto-sync just for the sake, but auto sink only when new changes has been made, I mean push trigger to sync.

Because 5-10 mins auto sync will be the same kinda useful as 30 mins sync if I want to use a password on my phone that I created 1 min ago by using my desktop. I will need to manually sync in this case as well.

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Simple use case that just happened to me: I’ve changed my password for a login on the native MacOS app. After this, I’ve wanted to login with the new password via the Password Extension on Safari. And? Tata, there is still the old password … So I have to sync this now manually. Welcome to a modern software … I wanted to see how long it takes till the Browser Extension itself syncs and now there are 53 minutes past … NOTHING! That disappoints me and is a No Go for a Password App that says “we can sync all devices” - add a “manually” to this sentence …


Yeah auto sync as soon as new changes are made makes sense, the devs are ignoring this request since 2 years.

@tgreer @kspearrin @Meta-Self Please Implement this feature ASAP.

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@tgreer Atleast if you could provide a small feedback on this feature it would be really appreaciated.

Hi @Martin_Swapnil - there is already an auto-sync function. And, it is designed to sync (non-organization items) as soon as they are added/edited/deleted, as those functions are sent to the server, and the server then tells your clients to update and sync.

The custom interval for syncing is captured, but not on a roadmap to-do list, since auto-sync should cover 99% of the need.