Add the "Display in Large Font" feature

Add a “Show in Large Font” feature.

The image below shows a feature of a password management software. It has a “Show in Large Font” button in every input text box. Clicking it displays the password in a large font that takes up half the screen, along with a character count, making it easy to confirm the number of characters. This feature is similar to 1Password’s “Large Type”. This feature is particularly important and convenient on mobile devices.

Consider this scenario: you’re at a friend’s house and want to log into your account on their computer or phone. Your password is randomly generated and stored in Bitwarden, and it might be 20 characters long. Obviously, sending the password directly to your friend isn’t wise. But painstakingly typing in a 20-character password from Bitwarden is both eye-straining and prone to errors. This is where the “Show in Large Font” feature comes in handy. You click it, and the password is displayed on your phone in a huge font, with the character count clearly visible. You can then enter it character by character on your friend’s device to log in.

I consider this feature extremely practical. Its main application scenario is “easy and highly discernible manual password entry,” especially between different devices. For instance, if you need to log into an account on another device where Bitwarden isn’t available, you’ll have to enter the password manually. The large font display facilitates easy and highly discernible manual password entry.

You mean like this?

After clicking the eyeball to make the password visible, one clicks the 123 icon to add the position indicators.


Screenshot from Chrome extension; Windows desktop app similar.

It’s this, but it doesn’t exist on mobile devices. I need to add this feature on mobile.

Agreed, this would be way more useful on mobile, and font needs to be larger like the mock-up op provided.