Add an individual Passkey Type (Similar to Login, Card, and Identity types)

It would be nice to have a “Passkey” type, just to have a quick visual of the logins that have a Passkey attached to them or to see how many Passkeys there are. It would be placed under “Types:” where Login, Card, Identity, Secure Notes are.

I have attached an image of Bitwarden where “Types” is located and what I mean to where it would be placed. I have also attached an image of Enpass to show how they have implemented the Passkey feature.

Bitwarden Image:

Enpass Image:

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So in your scheme, is an item of the “Passkey” type not also of the “Login” type?

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I guess it could be considered a login type.

But isn’t it also another form of authentication? So, it can kinda be both those types? So, it can be a form of 2FA and Login?

So, I would consider it to be its own type that is separate from the login type.

If it was to be implemented, a Passkey that is associated with a login would still appear under logins. But it will also now appear under Passkey as it has a Passkey implemented to it.

In Bitwarden, item types are mutually exclusive — they determine what data template (defining the available vault item fields) is used for creating and viewing each vault item, and how auto-filling is done for the information contained in the item record.

It sounds like you are proposing tags, which is something that you can support in this existing feature request thread:


There is also an existing feature request thread that proposes expanding the number of available vault time types:


Furthermore, there is a separate feature request to propose the ability to define your own item type templates — if this is implemented, you would be able to create a “passkey” template to hold items you deem should have a “passkey” item type:


I would be happy to merge your thread into one of the existing threads, if you let me know which one matches what you are asking for.

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Thanks for the suggested threads. But “tags” are not what I’m going for with this feature request neither is “customizable vault item templates”.

What I’m asking is like how you can create folders to add items to. But the item types folders which are permanently made for the user like (login, cards, identity etc). Compared to manually created folders.

If you make a passkey folder you can only have that one item in that folder. It can’t be in two folders simultaneously. Whereas if you put a login in a certain folder it will still be in the login item type as well as the custom made folder.

Let’s say I have a passkey for a gaming website. I want it in a passkey folder. But I really want it in the gaming folder. I am not able to do this as there is no passkey item type. So I have to pick and choose between having it in the gaming folder or being in the passkey folder for quick and easy access to see.

So what I am proposing is a passkey item type that will only store passkeys and the associated logins they are attached to. So that if a user wants to put that passkey/login in a certain specific folder like gaming, user can then still have that luxury. Making a passkey item type would fix this issue.

“Additional Item Types Predefined” may be a thread that is similar to what I am talking about. But what this request is proposing is just focusing on passkeys in general, not a list of “predefined item types along with their fields” that is being requested in that thread.

I didn’t read the whole texts here… just wanted to “throw in” that in the early implementations, Bitwarden must have experimented with some kind of “passkey”-listings… watch here (timestamp included): Store passkeys in Bitwarden (video of Bitwarden, May 2023) (my guess is they thought of creating a separate vault item category… looks like it)

But anyway - to have an overview about all stored passkeys (however implemented) would be nice.


You’re asking for a “folder” that allows a vault item to be in more than one “folder”. That’s exactly what a tag is.

You’ll have a list of tags, and opening any tag will show all vault items using that tag — the important difference from folders being that a vault item can use multiple tags at once. So you can have a passkey tag and a gaming tag, and find your gaming website passkey by opening either of those two tags.

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No I am asking for an item type. So that I do not have to make a “Passkey folder” to separate them

Similar to how there is

Secure Note,
Make a Passkey item type:

When you make a login it is stored in an item type named login. You can then store that login in a custom folder that you made. Along with it still being in the login item type.

So this feature request is requesting an item type named “Passkey” that can store all Passkeys that are created.

In conclusion, I am asking for one more additional item type for the storage of only Passkeys. So, that when I make a custom folder I then can have it still stored in my custom folder along with the item type.

Not labels as that is completely different and is not used for storage but for finding things with a search or a quick click of the label.

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In that case, your request is a duplicate of (and specific implementation suggestion for) the existing feature request “Additional item types (pre-defined)”.

Going back to your original request, I’m wondering if maybe this FR accomplishes your ask?


Like I said, in the comment above

“Additional Item Types Predefined” may be a thread that is similar to what I am talking about. But what this request is proposing is just focusing on passkeys in general, not a list of “predefined item types along with their fields” that is being requested in that thread.

the request is not a duplicate as that request specifically is about a list of predefined item types.

I am asking for a focus on Passkeys. Not a list of predefined item types along with their related fields.

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Thanks you for researching and finding that comment.

But no keyword search is not what I am requesting.

I am suggesting for an item type that only stores Passkeys. For that quick access to items that only have Passkeys stored.

But that comment replying below in that thread. Is similar to what I am requesting. So, good catch on finding that comment.

Item types work by only storing the information that corresponds to that item.

So like:

Secure Note

I am asking for a new item type: Passkey which in turn will only store Passkeys. Like Login, Card, Identity, Secure Note.

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Yeah, that is exactly what I am requesting. Wonder why they didn’t fully implement it?

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I’ve noticed that some websites require me to put in my username before detecting my passkey. Others require me to provide the username and password. Is there any effort being made across the industry to standardize passkey detection?

The fact of the matter is that adoption of passkeys will happen much slower if the authentication process is different for each website.

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@BW_Michael Not much to disagree with… - but you posted it as a feature request… What is your feature request for Bitwarden now? :thinking:

A more obvious delineation between which vault items have an associated passkey and those that don’t would be useful, as opposed to memorizing them.

@BW_Michael Ah, then this could be merged with this feature request Add an individual Passkey Type (Similar to Login, Card, and Identity types) I guess? (also @grb )

Already requested here: Auto pop up passkey log in - Feature Requests / Password Manager - Bitwarden Community Forums but (unfortunately) not gaining much traction.

@ZoranB The feature request that you linked is completely unrelated to what is being proposed in this thread.

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