X (Twitter) login credentials saved on Bitwarden Password Manager won't autofill the fields after the Twitter domain change

Since X (formerly Twitter) started to migrate and re-direct their domain from Twitter.com to X.com. There is an issue when trying to auto-fill the X login credentials, Bitwarden Password Manager web extension won’t detect the saved X login credentials (usernames and password) on the username and password fields. Instead, I need to manually enter my username and copy and paste the password from the Password Manager. I already change the URL from Twitter(.)com to X(.)com of my saved X account on my Password Manager.

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Hello Christian and welcome to the community!

I had this single URL before: https://twitter.com/i/flow/login, and now I just added this: https://x.com/i/flow/login , which seems to work just fine.

Do you have a customized URI match detection method for this URL?

What is your Default URI Match Detection method (under Settings > Auto-fill)?

When you have loaded the x.com login form in your browser, do you see a number in the corner of the Bitwarden Browser Extension shield icon located at the top of your browser window?

What method were you using to (successfully) auto-fill login credentials before the domain switch from twitter.com to x.com?

I can confirm that “Auto-Fill on Page Load” (automatic auto-filling) does not work on the x.com login form. However, unless there is a problem with your URI match detection, you should be able to auto-fill using the inline auto-fill menu, or using the Ctrl+Shift+L keyboard shortcut.