Why is the CLI client archived on github?

Hi all, Does anyone know why Bitwarden’s CLI github repo has been archived since May-2022?


Is is hosted elsewhere now? Is there a replacement of the tool elsewhere?

Hello @ozpac and welcome to the community,

The CLI, browser extensions, desktop apps, and the web-vault were all migrated to a single clients repo on the Bitwarden GitHub. You should be able to find the latest CLI release there which as of now is the 2023.5.0 release.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks so much! Very helpful response.


On the archived repo ( GitHub - bitwarden/cli: The command line vault (Windows, macOS, & Linux). ) it could be great to link to clients/apps/cli at main · bitwarden/clients · GitHub

The new repo root readme does not mention the cli so you may think the cli was abandoned (as I did).
