What's a _working_ BW user workflow to, i.e. register & store an account for this forum in one shot?

I’m really struggling to find an acceptable UX flow using BW.

So here a simple reference use case: Register in this forum with a BW generated password and immediately save the new account in Bitwarden on the same screen.. How would you do that?

My BW experience/approach:

  1. Sign-up, enter your email & username
  2. Right-click on password-field: Generate Password
  3. Paste
  4. Create you accounts
  5. Congratulations! (sarcastic):
    • Firefox dutifully asks me to store the credential.
    • But in Bitwarden now it seems you need to start over.
    • And remember: Don’t loose your clipboard right now….

How my naive UX work in a generic PasswordSafe:

  • I just kept the registration open and copied URL & username from Browser to a new Entry
  • Generated a Password in safe an copied password back.
  • Save & Finish.
  • Press register.

So no chance to loose any value/password. But involves 2-3 app context switches.

How the UX works in native Firefox:

  1. In the password field, just select the “autogenerated password” and it will be immediately saved.
  2. After pressing register, Firefox will immediately ask you to update your entry.

No chance to even closely loose/miss you newly created credentials. No app context switches needed.

Anybody can enlighten me?

Hey @secpert you will want to disable Firefox’s ability to manage credentials to prevent conflicts with Bitwarden’s ability to Ask to add login and Ask to update existing login.

Hello @secpert and welcome to the community,

In addition to disabling the browser’s native password management features as recommended by Dwbit, I’d like to share my workflow when creating or managing credentials between Bitwarden and a site.

Everyone is different and so your flow may differ, but I find that the following works for me so I offer the following suggestion in hopes it works for you as well. :slight_smile:

  1. When going to a new website to sign-up for an account, i.e this community forum.
    Go to the website account sign-up page as normal

  2. At this point I have the browser’s native password management feature disabled, and have installed and signed in to the Bitwarden browser extension.

    Select and open the Bitwarden browser extension, select the “:heavy_plus_sign:” in the top-right hand corner to Add item

  3. Enter details in Bitwarden extension first, username and generated password.

This provides a few things for me, it ensures I have created the record in Bitwarden FIRST and will be sure not to somehow lose the generated password quickly after account creation due to some human error or automatic clipboard clear, having to reset the password for a newly created account.

This also provides the opportunity to test out auto-fill functionality for the page, any additional custom fields that may be wanted, or you can simply copy and paste at the account sign up page.

Often times the URI for a page’s account sign up will differ from the account login URI, by default Bitwarden will automatically create and save the URI for the login on the site it was created, generally the account sign up page.
I will generally logout of the account or reopen the page in an “incognito” window, select the sites Log In banner, and then copy the login URI into the Bitwarden extension, replacing the URI 1 in the first option to allow for that to auto launch. You can also change any additional match detection for the site as needed.

Hope that helps,


The method described by Kent above is the one I use as well (with minor variations). I find it quite efficient and very robust.

Finding myself on an account registration form, and assuming my Bitwarden browser extension is logged in but locked (most common scenario), I go through the following process:

  1. Ctrl+Shift+Y to open the browser extension.
  2. Click :heavy_plus_sign: in the Tab view.
  3. Enter desired username in Bitwarden extension.
  4. Click :arrows_counterclockwise: in password field to access Password Generator.
  5. Make any required adjustments to Password Generator settings, then click “Select” in the upper right corner.
  6. Click “Save”!
  7. Close extension.
  8. Ctrl+Shift+L to autofill the new credentials into the account registration form, then submit the form.

Afterwards, you can re-open the new vault entry if desired to make tweaks such as:

  • Change the name of the item.
  • Assign a folder.
  • If you’re using a non-default URL matching method (something more specific than Base Domain), then add URLs for the login page and the password change page.
  • If necessary, add custom fields to solve any autofill issues encountered on the login page.

The process might look complex when written out as 8 distinct steps, but if you give it a try, you will see that it is very efficient and intuitive (once you accept that the process is “backwards” compared to what you may be used to from other password managers).


This is brilliant! Sometimes it’s really a small detail which can make things work.

Mostly I’m coming from the same approach: I started creating a password, but then stumbled that BW looses the input on focus-lost without a save. So the detail is really just completing filling out the fields in BW first and then leverage the autofill if possible. Thanks, @cksapp !

Thanks @grb for the additional hint on using the sidebar instead of the toolbar popup! Due to the issue with the toolbar popup loosing unsaved content on focus-lost, the sidebar approach would work better.

Now I just need to find out why the keyboard shortcut doesn’t work for me in Firefox right now… Found it: In Firefox you need to assign them explicitly.