WARNING ! is that a fake BW site?

Have other French speakers had this?
I tried to connect to BW on a freshly reinstalled Windows computer (my laptop which was totally crashed since several days) and it was impossible to connect with the correct IDs on the French page provided by Google. Zero input errors on my part, an the connection worked perfectly on my PC tower. Done very carefully, Copied-paste method and so on.

I’m not suspicious enough, I think.
The address is: Le gestionnaire de mots de passe utilisé par des millions de personnes | Bitwarden
Is that link legitimate?
according to Scamio (Bitdefender) there are no problems but I have serious doubts. So it’s super weird and even worrying.
So be very careful: always check the BW address you are connecting to
By caution I modified my master password

The fact is that this has already happened to me I think. uh NO, it was in the Firefox extension, I remember, and after restarting the browser it worked. it was different. I talked about that here recently.

No errors of my part. very careful. I’m 100% sure of what I say guys I m not a newbie.
does someone have an idea of what can cause that?

I even can show you pictures of my screen’s laptop I took

BTW, the mail telling "Your Bitwarden account was just logged form that specific IP address… " : it’s very good. Excellent.

I’ve just launched an antivirus complete scan of my PC!

Okay : Something happened but it was may be not concerning. I tried to launch again the “Le gestionnaire de mots de passe utilisé par des millions de personnes | Bitwarden”, I got then a 404 error page. it seems that it’s owned by the real BW company.It’s logical, done the beginning of the syntax address, no? May be just a little issue that will be corrected, I imagine.

**OH oh ! I see that a mod has changed the address on my post **
**why ? **
probably because there’s no concern at all. it was just a bug


The original link you provided appears legitimate. The domain info looks good.

When you connected, did you pay attention if you connected to the US/EU cloud? The link to the web vault on that page links to the EU cloud automatically. Is your PC’s desktop app connection to the EU or the US cloud?

BTW, using a known bookmark is a good idea. Your browser would sync the bookmarks, I think.

that’s a good news
thank you
I see that you are doing a good job.
I don’t quite understand the question
I connected, (tried to connect, with the good IDs ) though the Firefox extension
my PC is set in English, and I’m in France.
Not connected VPN at the moment.
I don t know if this answers to your question.
(All my devices are set in English since 10 years)

I m sorry if I sent an erroneous signal. If I had reflect a little I would have deduce by myself that the page was legitimate. Because of the beginning of the page’s syntax. SORRY.

oh! wait a second! sorry. a little confusion.
yes I did try to connect through the Firefox extension and it didn’t work
why am I talking about that page address then?
frankly I’m confused now and I don’t remember. sorry
I can ensure you that my IDs were refused through the extension I even took pictures. if you are interested I will send them to you
did i then tried through the page I mentioned
I don’t remember exactly. I guess I did. really sorry.
then as I said I can’t know to which server the extension was trying to connect. but may be you know, you.
“evil definitely hides in details”

OKAY ! I have the answer thanks to the taken pictures!

It was on the European server
this was the address : https://vault.bitwarden.eu/#/login

red windows telling : An error occurred.
User name or password is incorrect. Try again.

very confusing because no error at all in I I typed. done several times.
I got that another time recently and it worked after I relaunched Firefox.
I remembered that and did this here, and it still didn’t work.
If you have more questions, no problem

Try the American server. Bitwarden Web Vault If you registered your account on the American server, logging into the European server wouldn’t work.

Sure, I will :slight_smile: And I will pay attention from now to the browser’s address bar, you can believe me.
That said it’s not normal that my credentials were rejected.
But okay, not a big deal

Please never do this again. To connect to the Web Vault, always use one of the following methods:

  • Clicking a browser bookmark that you have created and verified.
  • Clicking the “Launch” icon on a vault login item for which the URI value was created automatically (using “Add a login” or “Auto-fill and Save” while the Web Vault login page was open in your browser).
  • Selecting Settings > Bitwarden Web Vault in the browser extension or Help > Go To Web Vault in the Desktop app.

Using Google to find a link to the Bitwarden login page puts you at high risk of being directed to a phishing site that can steal your master password, session token, and vault data.

It’s super-normal if you are trying to log in to the wrong server (e.g., if your account was originally registered on bitwarden.com, and you are trying to log in to bitwarden.eu, or vice versa).


ah okay,
and I learned something about the servers too.

thank you for your help
by the way would you be nice correcting the post I wrote some time ago, in a disastrous way? Only the title please, I’m a little ashamed. I got new glasses since that.
that one : Aadroid app with Authy: Once logged the text szed becomes huge

I fixed the title of your other thread.

Thank you so much!