Hey there!
I use VSCODE dev containers, and as part of the dev container build, I install the BWS CLI, and on my PC all is fine.
For the container build I use the base image from: Microsoft Artifact Registry which support Apple M1 chips.
As the container is linux, I thought I might be able to use this CLI version from…
wget https://github.com/bitwarden/sdk/releases/download/bws-v0.2.1/bws-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-0.2.1.zip
…but when I extract and run it I get errors due to that version before for x86/64 CPUs.
So how do I get a version for linux running on the M1?
Does anybody else run BWS CLI inside a UBUNTU container on Mac M1?
Any tips, which ZIP file do you use?
Thank you!