View / Manage "My Vault" folders and Organization / Collections in a single step

I subscribe to Bitwarden Premium and Families Organizations. I have been using both for several years but still have some confusion about their interdependency and therefore the best way for me to manage things.

I start out by creating a new entry (for example in “My Vault” and place the entry in a “My Vault folder “John/Social”.

To be able to share entries with my wife Jane (and vice versa), I created a family organization named Doe and four collections – John-owner, John-read, Jane-owner and Jane-read. The owner can read and write entries in the “-owner” collection and the other person can only read entries in the “-read” collection.

To share my Twitter username and password with my wife, I move my entry to the Doe organization and add it to the John-owner and Jane-read collections.

I just realized that I could also do the above by creating a entry, placing it in the “John/Social” folder and then list “Doe” as the Organization owner and then check the John-owner and Jane-read collections.

My entry now “exists” in three places, the hierarchical “My Vault” John/Social folder and the flat Doe Organization John-owner and Jane-read collections.

I would like to be able to see all entries from a single view. For me, this is a two step process. First I look at a view that shows “My Vault” and the “My Vault folder “John/Social”. Then I bring up a different view that doesn’t show me the “My Vault” folder, but shows the Organization (Doe) and that this is a member of the John-owner and Jane-read collections.

Is there a straightforward way to generate a report for all entries or a screen for a single entry that shows that this entry is in the “My Vault” John/Social folder and the flat Doe Organization John-owner and Jane-read collections?