I already contacted support, but I thought I might as well try here for possible solutions.
This afternoon I reset my master password and rotated my encryption key. I got a generic error, but could still login fine with the new password after getting automatically logged out. I unauthorized all sessions and then tried to setup ‘login with passkey’. Figured it wasn’t for me and turned it off again after trying it to login.
Then I tried to re-login on my phone, but on successful login, the app would crash. Which also happened on my tablet. I tried the web vault again and could login, but actually opening the vault would result in just a loading circle.
None of the export options work, except for the json with account protection password. The others just give no error, but also no file download. If I open the one json export, I can see that for username and password the data is populated, but encrypted of course.
For troubleshooting: I tried different browser engines (Chromium/Firefox). Re-enabling the passkey login with and without vault encryption. Re-exporting the data and trying to import it. (I specifically get the error: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘null’). But that hasn’t at all worked.
If I login on the web vault and try to load my passwords and look in the browser console, then I get multiple “MAC comparison failed. Key or payload has changed” and “Unhandled error in angular typeError: cannot read properties of null” errors.
If I run browser command: “bitwardencontainerservice.cryptoService.getUserKey().then(e => console.log(e))” It at least seems to properly export the encKey or what’s left of it now. Afaik.
If I look in the browser logs during the different vault exports, no new message appears in the logs.
I tried using an old Bitwarden portable to get the data.json to manually decrypt. But when I login to the application it just keeps loading and never actually shows the vault. After a while it times out back to the password input screen.
I tried multiple devices, browsers, OS’s. I don’t know what more to check. As far as I can find I don’t have an earlier backup or old cached files of bitwarden desktop on my devices. Stupid, but lesson learned.
Can someone help me? Many thanks.