Today, in the web version of bitwarden I saw strange meessage: “Logged in as $1 on bitwarden.com.”
What does it mean? Should I be worried about this?
Today, in the web version of bitwarden I saw strange meessage: “Logged in as $1 on bitwarden.com.”
What does it mean? Should I be worried about this?
I believe that is a reference to the email/user in the code. We did perform a release and a patch this week, so its possible your vault is in a strange state. Doing a force refresh should clear it, but if not - reach out to our team at bitwarden.com/contact and they can help troubleshoot or capture a bug report
hi @Chris_Carnaby , I was able to reproduce this, as this occurs when the account is no longer logged in. In this case, I reproduced this in the following way:
Are you still seeing this, or perhaps certain a keyboard shortcut, backspace button or side-mouse button/wheel that triggered the browser’s back button wasn’t pressed after an account log out event?
Thanks for reply. I’m not sure how did this happen.
Now I see “Logged in as myemailadress”
I just wanted to know if there is something to be worried about, but as I see it’s just only a small bug.
Just a small tip!
I also had this message after my vault has gone into a locked state. The URL is then https://vault.bitwarden.com/#/locked/
Refreshing the browser (soft refresh and hard refresh) did not work and was keeping me in a loop.
Then I changed the URL to
and was able to log in again to Bitwarden.
I’m also experiencing this problem all of a sudden.
The vault times out and goes to
hi there @Thibaultmol, did you you have a chance to try the recommendation from @hondel posted above? Vault locked, strange message - #5 by hondel
I mean yeah, that’s what I do. But I should never land on this page in the first place.
I think it happens when the vault just times out