have been using bitwarden for years but this is my first post on the forum.
before getting to my question want to add that i was one of the users that was ‘outraged’ by the recent update, left a scathing chrome extension review, and deleted my account. however, i stumbled upon a great post by grb explaining how to use the autofill features and decided to give it another try. i came back, properly configured all the settings, and now i’m happier than i was before the update. apart from a few niggles with the interface, it’s actually much better than it was before. so good work bitwarden, and grb for your helpful post.
my issue this morning is fairly simple and i’m sure this will be easy to solve. i need to access five different sites with domains similar to this:
i’ve replaced company names with numbers, and switched the name of the technology platform’s host name with ‘example’. they all end with this.
if i go to one of these, it never matches, it seems to match with another of the five urls instead. i have tried changing them all to ‘starts with’ match detection but this didn’t quite do what i intended.
how do i get this to work?
(edited to show two example links as per new poster rules)