Upgrade issue from 2023.2.1

Recently I update our server to Debian 12.

When I tried to update our self-hosted instance 2023.2.1 I receive message:

WARNING: This script is running as the root user!
If you are running a standard deployment this script should be running as a dedicated Bitwarden User as per the documentation.

When I go to check who is the owner of the bitwarden files I see that it is nobody:nogroup despite the recommendations found at: Linux Standard Deployment | Bitwarden Help Center
Our installation is 4 or 5 years old and we have been updating it at least once a year.

I decide to install the update as root as I don’t know how changing the owner of the files can affect our installation. Receiving the following exception:

Pausing 60 seconds for database to come online. Please wait…
2024.2.3: Pulling from bitwarden/setup
Digest: sha256:150466dccce2c09a8cee79f4b69a1dadae0d9947720b25c333a45d87014c9f0a
Status: Image is up to date for bitwarden/setup:2024.2.3

Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘logger’)
at System.ThrowHelper.Throw(String paramName)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerExtensions.Log(ILogger logger, LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, Exception exception, String message, Object args)
at Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LoggerExtensions.LogInformation(ILogger logger, String message, Object args)
at Bit.Migrator.DbMigrator.MigrateMsSqlDatabaseWithRetries(Boolean enableLogging, Boolean repeatable, String folderName, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in /home/runner/work/server/server/util/Migrator/DbMigrator.cs:line 46
at Bit.Setup.Program.MigrateDatabase(Int32 attempt) in /home/runner/work/server/server/util/Setup/Program.cs:line 194
at Bit.Setup.Program.Update() in /home/runner/work/server/server/util/Setup/Program.cs:line 158
at Bit.Setup.Program.Main(String args) in /home/runner/work/server/server/util/Setup/Program.cs:line 56

When I try to access localhost to check the status I get the following message:

Your local data is too old to be migrated. Your current state version is 1, but minimum version is 2. ; Zone: ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Error: Your local data is too old to be migrated. Your current state version is 1, but minimum version is 2.

How could I solve this situation? Do I change the owner of my files following the guide to install with the bitwarden user? Will I have any problem with docker?
Will that allow me to complete the upgrade?

Any help would be welcome