Update fail, cannot stop containers

Hi to all,
I run a self hosted instance that I would like to update.
The current version are 2023.7.2 for the server, and 2023.7.1 for the web.
Docker Version is 20.10.19 and Composer us 2.17.2
Running bitwarden.sh as SU I get the following:
[+] Running 8/8
✘ Container bitwarden-notifications Error while Stopping 14.1s
✘ Container bitwarden-events Error while Stopping 14.0s
✘ Container bitwarden-attachments Error while Stopping 14.1s
✘ Container bitwarden-sso Error while Stopping 14.1s
✘ Container bitwarden-api Error while Stopping 14.1s
✘ Container bitwarden-identity Error while Stopping 14.0s
✘ Container bitwarden-web Error while Stopping 14.1s
✘ Container bitwarden-icons Error while Stopping 14.1s
Error response from daemon: cannot stop container: b148d4785262ad517316da392417e755d461bc660b347aa23d56cd8c85162bed: permission denied

I tried to use different options, like stop and rebuild. Same result.

Any idea on how to get around this?

Tnx in advance.