Unable to change email address for this forum

Trying to change my e-mail address for this forum.

I enter in the new address, and a confirmation email is sent to it with a link to click on. I click on this link, I get asked if I want to confirm the new email address and as soon as I click on ‘Confirm’ I get an unhandled server error has occurred.

Any ideas what is going on?

Hello Jamie,

Try messaging the admin @bw-admin directly. Probably would get a faster response.

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Thanks for that. Took me a beat to work out how to message, but think I have done it. Thanks for the help, and I’ll close this and wait for someone to get back to me.

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Is there any method other than this?

@bw-admin is ignoring all my messages.

Perhaps try @sj-bitwarden instead (although I think they are also copied on messages to @bw-admin).


Hi all - thank you for your patience, this is a known issue that we are currently looking into.



I’m also trying to change my account’s email address and I’m getting the same unhandled server error when trying to confirm it.

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@fpiris Welcome (???) to the forum.

There is an account @kpiris that seems identical to yours in many ways, except for the first initial of the username handle. Is it possible that the email you are trying to change to is conflicting with the email used by the @kpiris account?

If not, I can only advise you to follow the suggestions already given in this thread.

Hi @grb,

thanks for the welcome, but yes, both accounts are mine. I have two bitwarden accounts, one personal and another one for work.

I also have two accounts on the forum (I thought I had posted earlier with the personal account, I do not access the forums with my work account very often :blush: ).

What are those suggestions? because I don’t see any, other than contacting forum admins.

And the error when trying to confirm another email address is still there. I don’t see why this thread has been marked as solved.

But, anyway, thanks!

This. Try a DM to @bw-admin, @sj-bitwarden, and @AK3L4.


Just for the record (in case it could be useful to someone else):

I was able to confirm a new email address, after disabling two factor authentication and deleting the passkey from my forum account (I’m not sure if one of these two things is enough, I did both).


I had the same issue. Disabling two factor authentication allowed me to change my email address. I did not have a passkey.


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