Two-factor authentication not working

Hello, i some time ago i was “playing” with setings in bitwarden in web, app or in extention and i have somehow turned off two-factor authentication. I have tried to delete it in brower Security > Two-step Login and than set it up a few times and it still is not requiring the email or code from phone. Can you help me please?

Hi David! Have you tried logging in from different devices? One possibility is that at some point you checked “remember me” on the 2FA step of login, which means that for that device, you won’t be required to use 2FA again in the future.

If you want to revert this, you can go to the web app and deauthorize all sessions. Just be warned this logs you out everywhere so make sure you have what you need to log back in afterward.

Help article: Two-step Login FAQs | Bitwarden Help Center

Thank you, yes that was the case.