The fill content is wrong, how can I fix it?

I have an account with my login name set to A, my password set to B, and an email address set in the custom field.

The website requires a username and password to be filled in, but the auto-fill always fills in the username with the value of the email address I set.

I can’t find a way to fix it, what should I do, to fix the wrong padding.

BW most likely matches your custom field name to the login page’s field, and fill that in. Have you tried changing the custom field’s name to something else (say, leave it empty)?

In this kind of case, if the email is used for filling rarely, it might be better to just drag and drop the field value wherever you need it.

Is this a public website? Can you tell us the URL of the login page?

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The easiest solution would be to rename the custom field that you are using for the email address (e.g., change it from email to email: or e-mail or email address, etc.). For more specific advice, please provide a URL to the login form in question.

For websites involved, please check the above

This is the login page

As long as you delete the custom field email, the problem can be solved.

This is not the solution I need. After deleting the Email field, it can be filled automatically.

But as long as I add it again, it will appear again.
How to solve the problem fundamentally?

The UID field is named pwuser. Try to add a custom field to your entry with that name, containing the username.

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No one in this thread has suggested that you delete the custom field for your email, only to rename the field, so that the custom field name is not “email”.

An alternative solution was provided by @marlin: create a new custom field (changing the field type to “Linked” before clicking “New custom field”, then changing the link from “Password” to “Username”, and setting the custom field name to pwuser).

If you use the second method, it may not be necessary to rename your email field (you’d have to experiment with this to find out).

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Thanks everyone for the help!

Finally, the problem was solved by deleting the Email field.

Other solutions do not work, as long as the Email field name exists. Even if the username value is correctly filled, its login type will still switch to Email, causing login failure.

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It is probably possible to remedy this issue, as well, but I’m glad you were able to find a solution that allows you to log in.

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