The account is broken, all passwords are gone.

In the app on my iPhone when I log into my account it just crashes. On the app and on the website in the account, first the folders take a long time to load and then there are no passwords at all. When I sync nothing happens.
Has anyone encountered such a problem?

Hello @Der, and welcome to the community!

Did you change the password / password hint / the KDF parameters recently?

If you can’t use the web vault normally on any machine, then I would contact support to see if they would restore the possibly corrupted vault for you. You have less than 7 days to convince them to do this before the old data is gone. Do you have a recent backup of your vault?

No, I don’t have backup. And about changing something I didn’t change anything recently. As for the usage, I can use it after a long wait in the browser or in the desktop application, but there are no passwords at all. I contacted support.

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I contacted support and the passwords were restored.

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Great! Do make backups from time to time, though; some people aren’t so lucky.

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