Support Internet Explorer

Still many sites that need Internet Explorer

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Are you referring to a browser extension/addon? Or does not work in Internet Explorer?

Assuming the former, this doesn’t seem like a good use of resources considering that Microsoft has ended development outside of security updates and some bug fixes.

FAQ: Will Internet Explorer 11 continue to receive updates?
The latest features and platform updates will only be available in Microsoft Edge. We will continue to deliver security updates to Internet Explorer 11 through its supported lifespan. To ensure consistent behavior across Windows versions, we will evaluate Internet Explorer 11 bugs for servicing on a case by case basis.

What sites need Internet Explorer, and why?

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IE is currently the only browser with the option to “view in File Explorer” for OneDrive and SharePoint sites.

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Internet Explorer is dead.


Starnik is a specialized billing SAAS my company uses. It requires IE because the framework it was written on makes heavy use of showModalDialog(). When I ask, the authors tell me they have no plans to address this issue.

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Note: I am a fan of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers. :star_struck:

Unless your existence is based solely in Unix or Mac-based environments, you are misunderstood. The truth is, plenty of applications and web front ends were/are built upon components of IE (see JJFRV8 and URS comments) ever since the days of Microsoft ruining Netscape. Right or wrong, it is the plain truth. Piggybacking on the points of others, some areas within Dell’s “serviceability” web sites don’t function (some improperly, where others, not at all) when using anything but IE or Edge – Chrome, Firefox and Opera, to name a few, simply don’t work. Also, until a few years ago, most web-based components of Microsoft’s “Office 365” subscription required the existence IE. Although I did not participate, I know many system admins, engineers and hacker types who spent countless hours trying to remove such flawed technology (i.e., IE) from their corporate environments, consisting of Windows XP, 7, 8 and 10, only to find out that the other browsers had dark secrets of their own. Whaaaa? You mean that Chrome, Firefox and Opera were all taking advantage of the IE underpinnings to co-exist ion the Windows platform? Sad, but true. Is it still true? To some degree, yes.

Who’s to blame in all of this? Most definitely not the end user.

It’s not the end users fault, but I’d rather see time invested into browsers, platforms, and products that are still being actively developed – investing in the future, not the past.

IE 11 is the last Internet Explorer version to be supported, and it’s only getting security updates at this point. There is no future whatsoever in Internet Explorer. If you really need to use bitwarden you could of course copy from the desktop client, or another browser.

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So very true - I’m all for advancement in technology – I was merely stating IE isn’t dead (yet). It likely won’t be killed off entirely until the release of Windows 15 (or whatever Microsoft decides to call it). Truth: anyone who uses IE exclusively (in this era), prolly can’t be saved. :yum:

I’m looking forward to seeing Microsoft’s newly (mal)formed Edge browser…hopefully they didn’t stray too far from the chromium core.

No one is blaming the end user.

At the same time, no one would expect Bitwarden to support iOS 4 and the iPhone 3G, and saying “no, no we won’t support the iPhone 3G” is not the same as “how dare you blame iPhone 3G users for not affording to buy a fancy new iPhone! Support iOS 4 now!”

No. Supporting it is nothing but a security risk at this point. And in the case of IE, there is no cost barrier to a user downloading chromium or Firefox…

Sure, no one blames the end user here, but the inverse (blaming the developer for not supporting an insecure, old, deprecated via international consensus (by everyone except the makers themselves) piece of software when the end user could easily just install a free (as in freedom) browser for free (as in beer)… is equally just as absurd.)


I understand that no one is blaming the end-user, but you are missing the point here. Here are the facts:

  • A number of web portals (mainly banks, governments and similar) only work on Internet Explorer
  • While a user can choose to use Chrome/Firefox/Edge/whatever, they cannot choose if they want to use some web portal or not - especially if you are a business user, you MUST use them (for example, national tax reporting portal)
  • As much as I hate this situation and, as a professional IT, am mad, this will not change soon

Therefore, I have a number of clients who are forced into using IE in order to comply with regulations and requirements. All of these are exactly the main use-cases for BitWarden - all these are web portals that require authentication. But, I have to tell the clients that BitWarden is not supporting IE. On a number of occasions I was asked to find an alternative solution that does.

This is why I do ask for this feature - it is worthwhile as it addresses the needs of business (paying) users, the situation is not likely to change anytime soon and BitWarden is losing customers because of it. Saying that “IE is thing of the past” is inaccurate, childish and does not reflect the reality in today’s business world. Yes, I would give a finger never again to deal with IE, Edge or any other abomination from MS that will soon be spawned, but I am likely to keep my finger for a long time…


I voted for this. I think it’s wrong to think IE11 is not relevant anymore and can be disregarded.

We are in the process of installing Windows Server 2019 and this comes with IE11 as default and only browser. There is NO Edge on Windows Server 2019. Same goes for Server 2016 and Windows LTSB versions.
Windows Server 2019 has extended support until 2029 which means Microsoft has to “support” IE11 for quite a while.

As said alrady, there are many many business applications that rely on IE and in a business environment with rules to comply you cannot install something else because you want it. You need permission to otherwise you’ll get into trouble. As someone has said, Windows Server & LTSB = enterprise customers = paying customers with large scale and need of password security (best would be centralised password management and enforcement or password rules etc.). That should not be ignored too easily.
So I believe the request for a IE plugin is more than justified.

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I agree this needs to be added. I work at a very large insurance company and we are required to use internet explorer for all company domains. It would be very helpful for internet explorer to have a plugin/addon.

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Voted for this. The truth is that IE is still required by many intranet sites at a lot of companies.

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Many intranet sites and applications require IE.

doesn’t Microsoft Edge have backwards compatibility with IE?

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