I know there is a github project (Export Bitwarden to KeePass 2 XML format · GitHub) that allows to export and import Keepass2 xml on Command line. But, most users are not tech-savvy. So, it will be better to support it on GUI and CLI
Feature function
What will this feature do differently? there is a CLI but, the script is broken and not all the users are tech-savvy. So, both GUI and CLI is good.
What benefits will this feature bring? it will help user to move between Bitwarden and Keepass
Remember to add a tag for each client application that will be affected
I believe it would be very beneficial if you could describe why these existing methods are insufficient and what specific additional functionality are you requesting. Cheers!
As far as I know, Keepass XML import is already supported on all Bitwarden clients (CLI and GUI). Perhaps this request is unnecessary and can be closed?