SSO with ADFS 4.0

Hi All,

So the other day is was trying to implement SSO between Bitwarden (Cloud version) and our ADFS 4.0 server. I followed all the documentation but I cant get it to work. I keep ending up on the below error message;

"There was an unexpected error during single sign-on. Please close this page and try again. Unsolicited responses are not allowed for idp "http://my.adfs.server/adfs/services/trust"."

Im kinda lost in what to do next. Did anyone encounter this before?

Kind regards,

Hi @BoschmanIT, welcome! :slight_smile:

Our CS team and integration engineers can help troubleshoot this, no problem! Just toss us a note here:

We’ll don’t need it anymore, just got it working. Thank being said, what exactly is the added value here with SSO. Because in my opinion SSO brings the user convenience with logging into something without having to do something. But with the SSO setup the user will still need to enter his/her masterpassword to unlock the vault. So how does SSO add its value here?

Glad you were able to get it working!

Login with SSO offers a number of helpful functions for Organizations:

  • Allows for JIT provisioning of users into the Organization without manual invitation or via Directory Connector
  • Allows the use of your existing MFA tools across your users
  • Allows you to use any IdP toolsets for access control (i.e. geo-restrictions, network, device, etc)
  • Separates Authentication from Decryption for an additional security layer
  • Maintains a zero-knowledge approach so you don’t have to worry about decryption key storage/maintenance