Sort items by date of modification, addition, last use, etc

Holy smokes, guys. 6 years and you cant sort data? There must be a pretty massive technical reason. Shine some light on this one.


Please devs, at least give us some sort of an update. Many users are clearly requesting this feature, so donā€™t let them down.

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Seconding this, an update (or even an outright rejection) would be nice. Like many before me Iā€™m now forced to export an unprotected password file just so I can do the sorting I want in Excel, and Iā€™m not thrilled about itā€¦

I switched back to LastPass because of this. Iā€™m sure others have as well. Philosophically I am much more in line with BitWarden plus itā€™s cheaper, but I have found the lack of this feature combined with the relative dev silence on it so annoying I left.

Developers: If for some weird reason implementing this would require a complete re-engineering of the architecture please let us know. Just that would make a lot of us happier.

@djbclark Iā€™m with you on all of your points but holy christ, you switched to LastPass? You lost me there. Literally the worst possible choice in every way.


Seems like some kind of sorting (by collection/item name, groups, and permissions) will be coming soon to the Admin Console. Perhaps this will serve as a stepping stone or building block for the types sorting being requested in this thread.

What would you suggest?

For now I use a third party client like keyguard, not ideal for security but I can sort and filter

Oh, thatā€™s an interesting client. Never heard of it before. It looked interesting to try, however then I noticed this file keyguard-app/ at master Ā· AChep/keyguard-app Ā· GitHub and now Iā€™m not sure I want to be involved with it.

It would be really helpful to have the Created by and Edited by dates available as sortable or filterable columns when managing older passwords. I have passwords that go back so many years and itā€™s helpful sometimes to review what my older accounts are. Especially passwords that have very old creation dates but havenā€™t been updated in a long time. Ideally, last accessed date would be available as well, but this is a first step.

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@danvallentyne Welcome to the forum! Iā€™ve moved your post into an existing feature request thread on the same topic.

Thank you, seeing as how this idea first showed up in 2018 Iā€™m not holding my breath.

+1 from me on this feature. Seems like it would be basic from a technical standpoint. Any way we can help??
Even if it starts with the Web Vault - I can manage from there.

This worked for me. A down & dirty PowerShell script that generates a CSV file you can sort in Excel as you wish. I chose Name, Creation and Revision as columns:

  1. Export your Bitwarden json
  2. Copy its contents using notepad or other editor
  3. Open PowerShell ISE as Administrator
  4. In the script enter the path to where you want your CSV output
  5. Paste JSON text into this PowerShell script where indicated

$jsonContent = @ā€™
Insert contents of your JSON here
$data = $jsonContent | ConvertFrom-Json
$sortedData = $data | Sort-Object -Property name | Select-Object name, creationDate, revisionDate
$outputFile = ā€œC:\PATH-TO-YOUR-OUTPUT-FILE\File.csvā€
$sortedData | Export-Csv -Path $outputFile -NoTypeInformation
Write-Output ā€œCSV file successfully exported to $outputFileā€

  1. Run it. Smile at the results. Wonder why it was so easy.
  2. Destroy the JSON you exported.
  3. Donā€™t save the script after adding your JSON info to it, destroy it, too.
  4. Live long, happy, and healthy.

If you are messing with exports and command line and PowerShell, you might as well take a look at Sort Vault Items by Revision Date Using the CLI

I would like to request the ability to sort entries in Bitwarden by ā€œRecently Addedā€ and ā€œRecently Modifiedā€. This functionality is currently missing and would be extremely useful for users managing a large number of credentials.

Expected Behavior

  • Users should be able to sort their vault entries by the date they were added.
  • Users should be able to sort their vault entries by the date they were last modified.
  • These sorting options should be available in the web vault, desktop app, and mobile app.

Use Case

I recently switched to Bitwarden from Enpass, which offers these sorting options. I found them extremely helpful in quickly accessing recently created or updated entries. Currently, in Bitwarden, I have to manually search for a recently added or modified item, which is inefficient.

Additional Notes

This feature would be beneficial for users who frequently add or update credentials and need quick access to recent changes. Many password managers, including Enpass, already support this feature, making it a standard expectation for modern password managers.

Would love to see this implemented! Thanks for considering.

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iā€™ve been a paying customer for many years, this missing function as I see it, drives me crazy on the daily

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@MeRida @dazdoor Welcome to the forum!

I moved both your posts into this existing feature request to the same request.

I hope they implement it as soon as possible, itā€™s a ā€œsimpleā€ and useful feature :melting_face:

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A key missing element that I find in BW is a Modification Time/Date stamp for vault items.

I often need to check when an item was last updated (any change from user-name, to PW change).
BW should have a field in the Item Information box that shows the Date when the Item was Created/Last Modified.

An extension of this would be to have a drop-down showing the log of dates of when any entry was changed for that Item.

My Vault view should then show the last date modified and allow for sorting by date, to be able to find Items that have been changed recently.