[SOLVED] Why is/What makes Bitwarden mobile app so heavy? (Android)

Alright, so I was comparing package sizes and this surprised me.
Here’s what I found:


Funny fact that LastPass mobile app got even a built-in web browser and still it’s like 1/3 the total size compared to Bitwarden’s mobile app. (But correct me if I’m wrong.)

Not sure if the same happens with the iOS app but (just checked, iOS BW app is ~80 MB while iOS LP is ~100 MB), I was just wondering why it’s heavier than other password management apps. Many visual elements embedded in the app or what?

Any chances to get it smaller than it currently is?

The web extension looks fine, though.


This is because we use Xamarin to build our mobile apps, which is not a true native implementation. The mono runtime is bundled with the app, so it is naturally much larger in size.

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