I am having this issue. I work on VNs and every time I get a new desktop, or change to a new browser, it takes forever for my vault to load. I just had IT redo my virtual desktop due to another software issue, and now I am currently waiting on Bitwarden to populate so I can log in and do work.
@El_Cartografo Welcome to the forum!
I moved your post into its own topic, as it seemed unrelated to the 2-year old thread in which you had posted. If the topic title of this new thread does not accurately express your issue, feel free to edit it (or let me know what you would like it changed to).
Could you explain what a “VN” is (or clarify whether you actually meant “VM”), clarify which operating system, browser, and Bitwarden client (browser extension or Web Vault client) you are using, and also specify how long “forever” typically would last (i.e., your login time)?
In addition, please let us know what settings you are using for your account KDF, and how long your login and unlock times are when using a non-virtual installation.
Also the amount of items in the vault is relevant. If it is comparatively large (>1000 items), then Performance issues while login or searching with accounts that have access to more than 2000 items · Issue #1597 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub becomes relevant.
Sorry, yes, a VM. I moved to a different VM this morning at 10:00. It is currently 14:00. I have refreshed twice after logging in, restarting my browser, restarting my machine, logging in, run a sync, let it sit for 4 hours, and then ran another sync just now. My vault is still empty on the new machine. I can see it on other browsers on other machines, and it’s working on my phone. This has happened to me before, and I just wait, use the browser to go to my vault at bitwarden.com, and it will fill by the next day.
Thanks. Could you please also answer the following?
Which operating systems are used in the VMs and in the host?
Which browser are you using?
Is the slow loading occurring with the Bitwarden Desktop client app, or the Bitwarden browser extension? And which versions are installed?
What algorithm (PBKDF2 or Argon2id) and settings (iterations, memory, parallelism) you are using for your account KDF?
How many items are stored in your vault?
- Windows 10
- Firefox
- extension is the issue
- Haven’t a clue
- 1144
Log in to your Web Vault (vault.bitwarden.com), go to Account Settings and select “Security” in the left-hand navigation menu, then open the tab named “Keys”.
600000 iterations
FYI, it still hasn’t populated on my new VM. I’m having to open the vault in browser and copy/paste from there.
Seems most likely that it is related to the performance issue mentioned by @Quexten above. Perhaps this performance issue is further exacerbated by running the extension in a VM environment.
Can you confirm that when you log in on the host machine (i.e., not in a VM), the load time is faster?
I have a theory on this. Internally, there is a 3 minute timeout in the “multithreaded” (background thread) encryption service. This runs even while the decryption is happening. It could be that in the VM it runs into this timeout and fails to decrypt. When waiting over night, at some point - by chance - it takes less than this timeout.
One of my PRs - [PM-4154] Improve unlock time by making MultithreadEncryptServiceImplementation spawn multiple workers to use all system threads by quexten · Pull Request #6465 · bitwarden/clients · GitHub - fixes this by disabling the timeout during decryption.
But note that this is just a hypothesis, I did not sufficiently test this.
i am having the same issue on my desktop PC recently. It just doesn’t load the vault, and I have to keep disabling the extension to get it to work.
this all started after the last update to the extension.
@Russ_Michaels To make sure there is no confusion, please confirm that your browser extension is running inside a Virtual Machine.