LastPass had the ability to share a folder to an external premium user. This was invaluable when working with clients, project coordinators / other enterprises.
Id like to see this feature implemented. If space is a concern, use the existing storage of the enterprise org that wants to share out the information.
Feature Name - External Share
Benefits - share a folder or collection to external Bitwarden users with a premium or enterprise account and set roles/permissions for users.
quite bizarre (and unfair) that if X number of different companies are using bitwarden prem/enterprise that they effectively all have to pay for X number organisations to share passwords amongst X number of respective companies .
I was considering moving to Bitwarden, but given this scenario where if I want to share with a contractor, I have to buy them subscription to bitwarden to achieve this, I think I’ll stay where I am.
Perhaps a better policy would be if a customer has at least one paid organisation, then they can add additional organsations for free. My guess is bitwarden would end up with far more paid users overall.
Perhaps I don’t fully understand your use-case, but couldn’t the contractor set up a free Bitwarden account and then be invited to become a member of your org plan? Within the org vault, you can restrict the contractor’s access to only those collections that they need to use (or you can set up a dedicated collection just for their use).
Yes he can set up a free account, but I’d have to pay for a seat for him in my organisation. If we are both paying customers of Bitwarden, why should I have to buy another seat license just to share a couple of passwords. Surely its in Bitwardens interest to offer free seats for cross company sharing (or guest accounts). With the current set up, if I want to share a password outside my company with x number of different parties, I’d literally have to add x more licenses to cover this.
I understand your conundrum. Could you not set up a free organization in addition to your paid organization plan? This solution wouldn’t scale, but it may be a work-around if you’re only sharing with one person at a time.
No, because then I couldn’t share the same password across my internal team (only a copy). Seems very short-sighted on the part of Bitwarden. It would drive sales IMO. If someone invited me to bitwarden as a guest of their organisation, I would certainly considered subscribing to bitwarden. I don’t see any downside to this model.
Hi all, that will be very useful for our use case too. We have a couple of paid organizations that have non overlapping users and collections. Sometimes we would like to share items between users across them without having a seat on both and right now the only way we found to do this is either with send or duplicating the item, none of them are easy to maintain.
(Note: I tried to vote the issue but ran out of votes )