Secure Note Edits History

Feature name

Maintain history of secure note edits

Feature function

Display a complete history of edits made to each individual secure note, allowing users to view the edits, and roll back to a previous state (or at least copy the contents from a previous state) if desired.

Related topics + references

Editing secure notes can sometimes result in unintended, un-noticed changes. When dealing with critical data, such as encryption keys, any mistaken edit can result in a disaster. Being able to roll back is a vital function. Thank you for considering this as a high priority.


I could have used this just today as I overwrote a password I had stored in a secure note and needed to reference the old one again but couldn’t…please, please, please implement this feature!

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I would also find this feature extremely valuable.

As a work-around, if you are storing encryption keys or passwords, you can create a login item and use the password field or create one or more custom fields of the type “Hidden”. These will all be captured in the Password History (up to 5 values total).