Search doesn't work - Version 2024.6.2


Will basic search ever be fixed? From a quick Google looks like there are threads going back a million years.

Yes, I’m sure there is some arcane syntax I need to apply to find FQDN record, but you’re really loosing customers not having a simple search facility!

Great product otherwise, hopefully my annoying post will aid the process.

Version 2024.6.2
Shell 29.4.2
Renderer 122.0.6261.156
Node 20.9.0
Architecture x64



Here’s the need to know for how to search.

Default searching is done as an OR search with leading and trailing wildcards;

gmail: will find the word gmail or words containing gmail (WILL find [email protected])

gmail otherword: an OR search that will either or both gmail or otherword as words or as part of a word

To make more specific searches (no automatic wildcards);

gmail: will find gmail only as a word (WILL NOT find [email protected])

gmail otherword: an OR search that will find all items with either or both gmail or otherword as words but not as part of a word (will list items with both first)

AND and NOT operations (term presence) can be done as follows;

+gmail +otherword: will only find itmes containing both gmail and otherword as words

gmail -otherword: will return items with the word gmail except those with the word otherword

To search partial strings;

+gmail +otherword: will only find itmes containing both any string containing gmail and otherword as a word

My post was partially stripped. All searches below " To make more specific…" have leading great than signs as the first character and the partial strings search also includes asterisks at the front (after the plus) and at the end of “gmail”.

Thanks for the reply @Andy7 , is there a way to search the ‘Name’ record that contains a FQDN like:

I’ve tried “wrapping” the FQDN in both single and double quotes, still getting unrelated matches based off the ‘abc’ or another portion of the FQDN.

It’s feels broken from a usability standpoint.

Sorry for the late reply. I don’t regularly open the email related to my Bitwarden account.

As a user, replied with what I found that helped me. I don’t know if there is a solution that your FQDN strictly through search. I possible way around it though could be to play around with adding unique form of the FQDN in the name, such as abcDTexampleDTcom.

Hope this helps.

@herethere Welcome to the forum!

Type the following expression (including the leading “>” character) into the search bar:
