Recover data from app (Android)

I host Bitwarden myself. A couple of days ago my server went belly up. Of cause the latest backup was corrupted… and the others are too old.

So I got the users to export the data from the Desktop app and browsers where it was still logged in and that way piecing almost all of the users data together.

Unfortunately one users browser had logged out and the only viable source of recovery is from the Android App.

Is there a way to get the app to create an export?

I got a backup of the app data. So would it be possible to dump the data from the sqlite db to the Bitwarden export json format?

Your situation is not new. To recover the lost data from your app, you can use the backup feature in Windows 10 if you know the date when your albums were not deleted. If you don’t know the date, I recommend you to use the hard disk recovery software or ask for help at online recovery services like raid recovery site in order to recover all lost data with no quality losses. If you will need further help with proceeding with the recovery operation, feel free to send a private message to me. I’ll be glad to help you.


Besides: That would not have helped that user.