Receive files into my vault from non-Bitwarden users [Send]

There really isn’t any specific requirements, i.e. a feature request gets X-amount of votes and it will be added.

Feature request topics help to show support from the community for a specific feature as well as allow for those members to voice their use case.
Obviously the more popular a feature request is with more votes will be something that the Bitwarden team will look at, but it is not the only thing.
Several factors I would imagine such as business use-case, easy of development, impact to security, and many others play into whether or not a feature is developed and added by the team at Bitwarden.

Though some may become preturbed that the developers are not working to release a specific feature that they might wish for, the team is constantly hard at work to release new and exciting things.
I personally have seen several QoL improvements made over the last year or two and can’t wait to see what the future holds. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is a great idea and the process is exactly what I wanted to suggest.

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934 days since posting the original request, 4.8k views, 21 replies, 40 likes – is there any way we can get this feature into the roadmap @cksapp?


Just bumping this to add a +1, my organisation too would love this feature.

I will add one of my votes to this – from a private perspective when dealing with businesses such as accounting or other financial.

Some of them are somewhat cavalier about dispensing one’s financial information across the internet. I know I can train some to wait for a secure link before sending to me, if the feature were available. Even where they have a supposedly secure 3rd party portal, there is a lack of diligence in its use.

Also, with non-BW-using scattered family, when exchanging certain information I would prefer BW over Wire so I do not have to remember to delete for all users, or get them to do so after they have sent.

It doesn’t look like Bitwarden see this as a viable feature so I’d love to hear from others what platform they use to securely receive files?

I’m seeing in this thread SendSafely recommended but keen to hear more suggestions.

Given the four comments I read from Bitwarden in this thread, I am not sure why you think they do not “see this as a viable feature” rather than something not on their roadmap yet. It has only 52 votes at time of writing, far fewer than some other requests not yet implemented. Encourage more votes, or help to improve the business case.

SendSafely seems to be another Send, not providing the functionality I believe is requested here. We currently use Wire for files as well as messages, and in some cases encrypt files using either a shared secret or which are sent alongside an OTP-encrypted password for it (I wrote a manager for that). The potential virtues I see in this request are process simplification for inexperienced parties, and no maintenance. I need to think more about whether I can map a realisable process.

Apologies if you misunderstood me – I understand Bitwarden has priorities and a roadmap, the devs aren’t just sitting there with nothing to do.

But clearly this isn’t a viable feature as over 3 years on it’s not on the public roadmap. As you put it, you could also say that the business case hasn’t met the threshold yet – it’s not a viable feature, at least at this time.

From a user’s point of view, I needed a solution 6 years ago, and it’s time for me to iterate the clunky request process I have now and use a SaaS solution to get this done. So farm SendSafely looks to be the best option but I’m super open to other recommendations (your process sounds interesting, but I’d be cautious about taking on the compliance risk).

No problem, especially if it was my misunderstanding :).

It is certainly a viable feature. I had at the back of mind that there is another request with over 500 votes (including mine) not yet implemented, others six years old, so I guess I am already conditioned to some viable changes being slow.

The process I mentioned is strictly family-private so compliance is not a problem nor is it publicly useful. Your need appears to be from business. I understand that immediacy.