"Rate Limit Exceeded" error

I have searched through a large number of Password Manager topics and not found anything seemingly similar to my problem. Furthermore I can find no way to create a new topic: No definition of what “users” or “groups” are, nor how to identify them.

The question follows:

Sometimes after not having used Bitwarden for hours, I get the “Rate Limit Exceeded - try again later” message on my first attempt. At other times, and more commonly, I get this message after 5-6 uses in a half hour. This seems totally unreasonable, since a bot might turn in that many requests in a couple seconds or less. So why is the server standing off my minimal level of requests? I’m wondering whether I’ve made some sort of setup error that’s causing this behavior. Anyone have a suggestion?


@Martt I moved your latest question into its own topic. Please let me know whether the rate limit error is happening on your iOS device or somewhere else, so that I can ensure that this topic is appropriately tagged.

To start a new topic, click + New Topic at the top of the Ask the Community forum webpage.


Groups are explained in the documentation:


Are you using a VPN? Are you asked to solve a Captcha when logging in to Bitwarden?

Hi grb,

I apologize for not getting back to you yesterday. Various challenges are piling up faster than I can get them solved.

The problem I am having with “Rate Limit Exceeded - try again later” is on my Windows 10 PC. May be on other devices as well, but this PC is my workhorse, I try to get capabilities working (and understood) on it first. Then I move to the Android tablet and phone, and the Apple tablet and phone, both of which are going to be essential starting in a couple weeks when I will no longer have this laptop accessible.

I do not use a VPN, nor have an app for one installed. And I am not encountering any Captcha issues.

I had no problem creating the text for a new topic but couldn’t determine the definition of “users” or “groups”. Both had to be specified. I assumed those two terms were somehow part of the BW Community structure, looked for them, didn’t find them, and bailed out by sending you the text of the topic. Which evidently you have posted, but I have found no useful way of searching for Community topics. Before creating the text for “rate limit exceeded” I must have looked at the summary info for what felt like a couple hundred existing topics, hoping to find one that was a good fit. Without success.

But I am encountering a problem on a few sites that MIGHT be caused by Bitwarden substituting my username for my password. And it is driving me CRAZY. When a site locks me out due to too many password or username failed attempts, it makes me want to have visibility into what Bitwarden is loading as my password. I have already had several occasions when Bitwarden created a new password and substituted it for the desired password. Is there a way to trigger Bitwarden to display the password that it has inserted into the window it hopes is the correct one for a given website, prior to clicking on login? Similar or identical to the mechanism used when editing an item, so you can see that the password being saved is the one you intend? I understand this is a potential security hazard if someone is looking over your shoulder, but less of one than having to copy and paste the password so you can be sure of what is happening.


Not sure what you mean by the above statements. The comment at the top of this topic was one that you had originally posted in the public “iOS app not working” topic; I simply moved it into its own topic, since it seemed you were having trouble starting a new topic.

Again, I don’t know what you’re referring to here. There are no “users” or “groups” to specify when creating a topic, only when sending a private message using the New Message button from your private inbox. When creating a forum topic, after you open the Ask the Community forum webpage and click + New Topic at the top of the page, you should see something that looks like the screenshot shown below. With reference to the numerical labels on the screenshot, the procedure for creating a topic is:

  1. Type a title (topic) for your thread here.
  2. Leave this alone.
  3. Click the :heavy_plus_sign:, then select cloud-default and app:desktop (or whichever app: tag best matches your question).
  4. Delete all of this text, and type your question.
  5. Click + Create Topic.

I’M HAVING THE SAME PROBLEM! I’m using my desktop PC.
I created a company account and installed the CHROME extension. Logged out. Tried to log back in and received the Rate Limit Exceeded error. Waited several minutes and tried to login again; no problem. Immediately logged out and logged back in; again, no problem. Logged out and logged back in over the course of several hours. I received the error intermittently. After receiving the error, clearing browser data before attempting to log in again had no effect. I’m not using VPN and I’ve disabled CHROME’s autofill/autocapture features.

@mbarchejr Welcome to the forum!

It seems that this issue was reported as a bug on GitHub, but a representative from Bitwarden closed the ticket with a suggestion that the issue is not a bug, but rather a problem affecting some users.

The recommendation is to contact Bitwarden’s Customer Support team (e.g., using the contact form available here), and include a link to the GitHub issue (https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/12230), if relevant to your case.