Sorry guys, but I really don’t know a whole lot about Linux distros and package distribution so I may need some help here. Is there not some default/central repo that people submit these to? I guess there are different repos for deb and rpm? Will snap packages not suffice?
Packages typically enjoy a healthier life when created and maintained by the end user communities themselves, as each distro has it’s opinions on how things should work and be designed. While upstream can provide packages for everyone, it’s usually easier to let downstream interested users create proper packages for their distro and maintain (just some life experience). Creating 70 different Linux distro packages over and over again takes time away from devs who would rather be writing code. rejected our request for the open source offer since we have paid plans available. Is this something we can just stand up and distribute from our own servers?
Yes, you can also provide this from own servers. I posted a script in the first entry which provides all you need.
Just replace the packages with the latest releases from GitHub and of course replace your secrets in the repo as well. They use it to upload it to a remote server, but you can also replace the upload part with an upload command to your own webserver.
With a few more commands you can also sign the packages, but that’s another step we can do later.
Edit: And yes, this tutorial which uploads it to a github repository, should work as well
The current script, that is linked, actually uses a branch to provide the packages. Let me check if I can provide a PoC and you can just push it into an own repo and it works fine.
I finally made it. Took me some patience to realize that there is a breaking change in the Openssl version difference between Ubuntu Trusty and Fedora 27, but it works now
Check the repository:
All you need to do is adding a deploy section either to a webserver of your choice or to github pages. Just upload the pkgs directory.
If you like we can also generate a container with a webserver you can simply serve from your azure infrastructure. All you need to do is generating an own keypair so you can sign your work.
Just added a package signing process so not only the repo metadata is signed but also the packages themselves which allows everyone to re-distribute the packages without breaking any trust in them
Should be really helpful for local mirrors, etc. I’ll merge this soon.
Mhm as my test turned out it looks like you can’t host your apt and yum/dnf/zypper repository on GitHub. I haven’t figured out all details, but they actively prevent using github pages as well as the raw cdn for this.
So you probably have to host it yourself. But I’ll write a little docker file which should make it easy to serve it