Prompt to associate mobile app with selected vault item

I have this annoying user issue when I click into the mobile bitwarden app from another mobile app and there are no matching vault items, I then have to search for the vault item and manually select it. currently the bitwarden app does not do anything to help me make logging in easier. I have no idea what uri is being used to filter for a vault item and bitwarden does nothing to rectify making my life easier.

what I would like to happen, is the mobile app to prompt me to associate the mobile app uri with the vault item that I had to search for and select. so I no longer have to search for it.

When you search and get results, the items may have the “…” right next to them. If you click on it, and use “Auto-fill and save”, it should save the URI of the app. That is, if you launch/switch to BW via the keyboard shown on the app that you are trying to log in.

The search result screen is probably similar to this:

URI on Android:

Also, on Android, the URI will be in the format of: “androidapp://*”

where * is something like: “com.x8bit.bitwarden”

which can be found on the playstore web page, for example:

and can be viewed via the playstore item by clicking “share” (top right vertical … button).

For example, my facebook entry has this URI: androidapp://com.facebook.orca .

You’d need to voice your support (and vote) for the following feature request:

do this from inside the bitwarden app. when I am searching for the vault item I know when I go into the app there is a argument used to filter the vault. if this can be remembered and it turns out the user has to search for the vault item and when selected, if the vault item is lacking tag with that argument, prompt to associate it.

if that is not possible at least reveal the argmument to the user so they can tag the vault item.

@kccarter76 Are you talking about iOS or Android?