Prompt to add new site?

I’ve just come from LastPass. I’m using BW extension on Edge, Win 10. Does BW not ask to add a new site when you first log in? I saw a video where the person said for new sites not yet in your vault, first add the information to to the Add New Site in BW rather than on the webpage. Is that normally how its done in BW? I’m not sure why BW would not prompt to add a new site.

Bitwarden should be prompting you to save/update logins, is you have enabled the options “Ask to save login” and “Ask to update existing login” under Settings > Notifications in the browser extension.

However, because this feature does not work on some small fraction of websites, and because the total number of mouse clicks and keyboard presses is actually slightly lower when you create your credentials in the password manager first, this method (Bitwarden first) is usually recommended by power users.

Yes, both ask to save and ask to update are checked on. It was signing up to this site that it didn’t work and I had to add it manually.

Below are the methods that I recommend.

Adding a New Login:

The procedure below assumes that you have the website’s account registration form open in your browser, and that your Bitwarden browser extension is currently unlocked:

1.Open the browser extension (click Bitwarden :shield: icon at the top of the browser, or press Ctrl+Shift+Y).
2. Click :heavy_plus_sign: (or the “Add a Login” link).
3. Type the desired username (or generate a random one).
4. Click the :arrows_counterclockwise: icon the in Password field (generate password).
5. Click Select in the upper right corner.
6. Click Save in the upper right corner.
7. You will now see the new vault item listed at the top of the browser extension’s “Tab” page       click on the website name (which will transfer your username and password to the website’s account registration form.
8. In your browser, submit the account registration form to the website server.


Changing a Password:

The procedure below assumes that you have the website’s password change form open in your browser, and that your Bitwarden browser extension is currently unlocked:

1.Open the browser extension (click Bitwarden :shield: icon at the top of the browser, or press Ctrl+Shift+Y).
2. Open the vault item in the browser extension (click the “View” icon).
3. Copy the old password to the clipboard.*
4. Click “Edit” in the upper right corner.
5. In the password field, click :arrows_counterclockwise: to go to the password generator.
6. Click “OK” at the warning prompt about overwriting the password.
7. Click “Select” in the upper right corner.
8. Click “Save” in the upper right corner.
10. Click the “Auto-fill” button (below the displayed item details).
11. On the website’s password change form, delete the contents of the “Old Password” field and paste in the old password from the clipboard.*
12. Submit the password change form to the website server.

*Depending on how quickly you can complete Steps 4–10 and what setting you have for the clipboard timeout option, you may find that the old password has been cleared from the clipboard by the time that you need to paste it. In this case, you can retrieve the old password from the Password History (which stores the 5 most recent passwords).

These are good suggestions, and I understand why they are better practice than just creating a new login on a website and having BW add it. I’ll do it this way from now on.

Seems off though that prompting to add is still hit and miss and has been an issue fro a long time from what I’ve read.

To paraphrase Douglas Adams, it’s hard to make something foolproof, because fools are so ingenious — “fools” in this case being web developers who keep coming up with new ways of coding login forms in ways that break the functionality of password managers.