Problem with Azure OIDC SSO

Hello experts,
I am having trouble with Azure AD OIDC SSO config.
Configured everything correctly as per this guide:

Here is what I get. Do I miss something?
Request Id: 3bcb3ce5-3e9b-4dd0-aa80-1eb1d329b800

Correlation Id: 54d5b4e6-992f-4979-90ac-d29768ab8bd4

Timestamp: 2022-03-25T13:35:05Z

Message: AADSTS165000: Invalid Request: The request tokens do not match the user context. Do not copy the user context values (cookies; form fields; headers) between different requests or user sessions; always maintain the ALL of the supplied values across a complete single user flow. Failure Reasons:[Token values do not match;]

Hi @jivko you can reach out to our support team for assistance with SSO configurations.