Problem after upgrading from Free to Family

A few months ago I setup free accounts for myself and my wife. We shared some of the passwords through a free organization MyFamily. This worked fine.

Today I upgraded to the family plan, but now I have two organizations, which I have renamed for the sake of clarity to MyFamily1 and MyFamily2.

MyFamily1 contains all the passwords, but does not have access to the Premium features such as scanning for exposed passwords.

MyFamily2 is empty, but does have Premium status.

How do I move all passwords from MyFamily1 to MyFamily2?

Thanks in advance!

@HaaWee Welcome to the forum!

When you say that you “upgraded”, how exactly did you accomplish this?

Did you click the Upgrade Plan button that is found under Billing > Subscription in the Admin Console for your original free organization?

Regardless, I think that your best option to go forward would be to contact Bitwarden support and ask if they can transfer your Family Plan subscription from MyFamily2 to MyFamily1. Once this is done, you can delete the MyFamily2 organization.

If for some reason, the support team is unable to transfer your subscription, you can ask them to assist you with using a migration script to move your old organization users and data into the Family organization. If that process seems too daunting, come back here, and someone will help you to manually transfer the data (or the support rep should be able to assist with this as well). I don’t think you will need to do any data transfers though, as I’m fairly certain that support will be able to move your Family Plan subscription to the original organization.

Thanks grb!

When I logged into Bitwarden I got this message inviting me to upgrade to premium. I chose Family instead of Premium.

I will contact Bitwarden support to see if they can fix it. If not, I’ll probably have to export/import all passwords.

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Great — let us know how it goes.

As recommended by the Bitwarden support staff I exported all data from MyFamily1 and imported it into MyFamily2. It’s not the most user friendly solution, but it worked.

OK, thanks for the update. I’m frankly a bit surprised that the Support team could not transfer your Family Plan subscription to the first organization, since they routinely transfer individual Premium subscriptions to new individual accounts (when a user has to delete their original account). But at least you’re all set now.