Private ssl certs

Good day,
My Bitwarden self-hosted server is running with a own issued certificate.
Now I need to add the certificate issuer somehow in the client and in the app, otherwise no connection is established.
On Windows the whole thing works via Chrome.
Now I have installed the Bitwarden Linux client on Ubuntu and have no idea how to do this there.
The same applies to the Android APP.
With kind regards

With regards to the Android app, you probably need to import the certificate as an CA certificate via the Android settings (not in the app itself). No experience with a self-signed certifcate in the Linux client, sorry.

Under android I have found it.
Under Ubuntu, when I add a CA Zertifikat, it has no effect on Bitwarden.

Andorid: Settings > Security > Encryption & Credentials > Install from storage

Solution Ubuntu:
Use AppImage and not the Snap package.
Add CA to Chrome like on Windows and it works.