Private key management for nostr accounts

Nostr login support could be a useful service for nostr users, and it could provide Bitwarden with a unique opportunity for growth.

Unlike centralized services like Twitter, Fb, Odyssey etc. nostr is a protocol, and “log in” takes place via nostr keypairs and not platform specific username + password. These are portable.

The simplicity of the nostr protocol enables endless possibilities in micro-apps, complementing and/or competing with each other, enabling network effects of network effects. You can take your keys, and data with you from app to app.

@kspearrin for Bitwarden this means that you can enable support for tens, hundreds, thousands etc. of micro-apps, and apps by simply implementing NIP-07, which is the sign in with nostr NIP (nostr implementation possibility).

Example micro-apps that use NIP-07 for log-in:

Example implementation of NIP-07 browser sign-in extension: nos2x