The apps seem identical otherwise. The first app listed was a sponsored version. The other one was directly below it. I pressed install on the second one but both appear to go through the download and install process.
It’s probably just a glitch but I find it worriesome and kind of unimpressive as Bitwarden is going to be holding all my passwords.
After both downloaded I had 2 “open buttons” but only the sponsored link said “Playstore verified”.
I immediately went to Apps uninstall instead of opening in case one was a malware copycat but I found only one Bitwarden version in my Apps. I uninstalled it. It took quite awhile and then android said “uninstall was unsuccessful”. But it was gone from my apps.
I don’t really know what i’m asking for here. Maybe just reassurance. Bitwarden isn’t new so Im kind of surprized by the glitchieness.