Persistent Bitwarden UI and maintain unsaved data


I would love to see the Bitwarden extension stay open when or if I click (accidental or not) somewhere else on the browser window/tab.

This is implemented on Captial One’s Eno extension.

It makes it more convenient to copy and paste when creating a new login, secure note, etc. Sometimes I accidentally click elsewhere and the extension closes, which loses all of my progress.

I believe it is a lot more convenient and makes more sense for the Bitwarden extension.


I would want a feature like this to be opt-in, if implemented. I don’t know what sort of security liabilities would be present but would rather have it tested, be in the wild with no memory leaks to websites before enabling it. I switched to Bitwarden for the better transparency and efforts towards security + MFA.

One way this could be implemented is like this:
The add-on menu should only act as a way to select entries to auto-fill and maybe some other quick one-off actions, like entering the master password or using the password generator.

Anything that requires a form to fill out or could require more time than just a few clicks could be opened in a new tab, which is persistent and has more space to work in while editing an entry or changing settings.

Often when I try to create or edit an entry manually in the browser add-on, I need to switch tabs to look up information about that entry, like the actual password, an extra URL or TOTP key etc.

As soon as you click anthing else in the browser window, the Bitwarden add-on menu closes and all the unsaved information in the entry is lost. I sometimes have to go back and forth between the entry and another tab to copy/paste the information, and having to stay in that one menu or losing data just by clicking anywhere else is annoying.

There’s even the “Pop out to a new window” button, that makes a new persistent window, that does not close automatically and delete any unsaved data. The thing is, that button is not available while editing an entry. Also the pop-out window has no relation to the currently active tab anymore, so clicking “Add item” there doesn’t automatically fill in the name and URL of the new item based on the current website.

Please make the menu persistent when there’s unsaved data in a form.

Best regards,

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Yep. Posting to vote for this feature request.

I’ve wasted a bit of time after tabbing between windows to copy info I needed for the note.

I like to promote password managers. But this is one of those user experience issues that can frustrate or confuse users. And made it difficult for myself, and others during our transition from another password manager that didn’t have this issue (password edits occurred in a browser tab.)

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Thanks for the feedback @sclark :+1: in the meantime, if you are using Firefox or Opera you can use the sidebar to create a persistent experience, or in any browser extension you can hit the icon in the top left to pop-out the extension.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t do you any good when you are already halfway through entering the new entry, or accidentally click out of the “popup” by mistake.

Please consider just making the “+” ALWAYS pop out the entry form. If you can’t get the other enhancements in place, at least that would prevent the current way-too-easy data loss that occurs when you get into a “no-warning-when-dismissing” popup.


Thanks @bw-admin, I have used the pop-out feature. It’s really nice when I know in advance that I’ll be switching contexts while adding/editing a site. But as @Nathan_Neulinger mentioned:

Too often I’m only partway through adding a site when I realize I need to get information from another window/tab. If I think fast enough, I can save the incomplete entry. But if I don’t think about that, I have to start all over.

Again, there are ways to work around the issue, it’s just inconvenient if you don’t think to use the workarounds.

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Like many of the other commenters here I find this issue and its workarounds infuriating on multiple dimensions

  • Non-persistence of edit window (Is this just a facet of how extensions work?)
  • Loss of site focus recognition on pop out
  • Inability to tile and control pop-out with window manager (linux/firefox)
  • Search responsiveness (slow)

As a user I would like to be able to copy information from a website to the in situ extension edit window. (the frustrating part, is losing data before this action is tried, it’s possible to already have something in your clipboard before even navigating to the edit window, putting that in, and then trying the next copy)

This has been an open issue for a long time and as a paid user I was looking for a reliable open-source LastPass alternative that had a sustainable business model. On that front, I thought BW was a good idea, but this issue has me second-guessing. It has to be usable to me and those that rely on me to recommend them a solution. I understand that there are probably a couple of technical barriers here with how the extension model is allowed to work and data loss in the other direction. From a decision-maker standpoint, I would triage which issue is more likely and which is more of a liability. Ultimately more b2b oriented secrets managers need a VCS so the other data loss concern I saw in this thread is likely null and void once version control is in place later down the road.

Hey @paul_beaudet thanks for the feedback, it has been passed along to the team. In the meantime, are you currently using Firefox? If so, have you tried using the sidebar functionality?

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Just saving the account editing form state would be good enough for me and it shouldn’t be too hard or anything. Just pop the form values into the local storage and check if there’s anything there when you open it again, honestly shouldn’t take anymore than a day of dev time unless your form code is a disaster. And even a buggy implementation would be better than nothing…

This would’ve saved me like 30 minutes over the past 2 years and a TON of tedium/aggravation since you have to navigate back to the account you want to edit to copypaste a url or something in.

Overall great product, thx!

If I had to pick 2 most annoying things about Bitwarden, it would be lack of tags and this. Lack of tags is luckily being solved, what about this? Pressing the “pop out” button each time is not a solution, it wastes a lot of time, especially if you forget to sometimes. Maybe if there was a checkbox in options like “Open the extension in a window by default” then it would be a reasonable workaround, for the popup losing focus use case at least.

The current design of “Oh, the user surely would cancel these changes, safe to assume” is way too “hopeful” (to avoid saying word synonymous to bad) of a design.

Thanks for the feedback, in the meantime if you are using Firefox or Opera, you can also use the sidebar functionality for a persistent experience.

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Hey Bryan, this is currently expected behavior, and the feature is open for voting and discussion.

In the meantime, if you need to create a persistent experience, you can use the pop-out icon, or use the sidebar functionality in Firefox/Opera. Rest assured the feedback has been passed along to the team.

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3 years passed since original request, and still no such feature. I just had started creating an entry in Bitwarden and closed it, thinking it persists the entry, but to my later unpleasant surprise, it did not. And it can really have some bad bad bad effects. I tried to save a master key of unrelated physical device, which basically encrypted all the data in that device, so luckily I had no data in it and I can easily reset it. Otherwise it would be a very unpleasant. I think, Bitwarden must at least ask a question, if I want to lose all the data by proceeding with closing the app. Best - persist data immediately.

Hey @gabrielius if you are using Firefox or Opera, you can currently use the sidebar button to create a persistent experience, or if using other browsers you can pop it out. The team is currently working on Manifest V3 support which is the upcoming browser extension standard that will afford other functionality.

Hi @bw-admin, thanks for the reply.

And what about Windows desktop application? That’s where I experienced this problem :frowning: It should at least give this image as you move onto another entry when in the process of creating a login:


Thanks, I’ll pass it along to the team :+1:

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The pop out button is the good solution, but the problem with it is that it is missing in “create a new item” form, and also it loses the form state (entered data) on popping out in other states!

@bw-admin can you fix this problems with it, at least? There is no technical limitations and it is not so hard to implement.

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