Persistent Bitwarden UI and maintain unsaved data

@grb, @dflinn, @DenBesten, @Kevin_Harris, @Nail1684

I apologize for my earlier naivety - I thought I had discovered America by coming up with a “novel fix” to the Bitwarden data loss problem that plagues me. To learn more about it (and to guard against the likelihood that I was just missing the point entirely), I decided to review the history of this issue.

I now find myself incredibly frustrated by the slow response surrounding this request. Here is what I see:

  • First report of this bug - March 2018
  • First suggested workaround (Clicking pop out to keep window open) - March 2020
  • First mention of proposed fix (clicking Add/Edit should always pop out the window) - I cannot find the post again, but it was a couple years ago
  • Total time since first reported - six and a half years
  • Total votes for a fix - over 370 votes
  • Total amount of lost data - Unknown, but there are so many reports from smart people in this community and who have lost data weekly or even daily. How many “regular people” does this problem bite? I can’t guess…

What I have not found are a clear answers to the following questions:

  • There are vague assurances that “we need to find a way to save data temporarily…” What makes this such a hard problem? What cases need to be avoided/prevented?

  • Why wouldn’t popping out the window when there are changes/edits solve those problems?

  • If the team judges that this bug cannot be addressed as part of the new browser extension beta, then when will it be fixed?

I would really appreciate a response from a team member who knows the answers to these questions. Thanks.

PS to @grb You have always been helpful in your responses to me in the past. I also understand that you are working to minimize distractions in the new Beta-test UI discussion. I mean no disrespect to any members of the team, but…

If the UI allows / permits a newcomer to lose data frequently, then I believe it belongs front and center in the beta-test user interface discussion. I would ask that this remain in the Browser Extension Refresh topic. Thank you again