Pattern-Matching in Passwordless Login

Pattern-Matching Authentication

Why the current system is vulnerable

Push notifications with simple approve or deny buttons are not secure enough for less savvy users. It can even trick more experienced professionals. I believe the vulnerability here is called MFA fatigue, in which a threat actor would spam a user with login prompts until the user chose to approve them. The user assumes there was some bug with the system and got tired of clicking deny, or clicked approve by mistake. The user might also click approve if the actor times their attack when the user is likely to unlock their vault to start their work day (around 8 or 9:00 am is standard where I live).

Where users are affected

This exploit might occur on a public computer where the user forgot to fully log out of their Bitwarden account, or on a device that was compromised by an attacker.

What’s the solution

The flow should be as follows. Device A is the device the user is logging into. Device B is the existing, logged-in mobile device.

  1. User chooses the “Log in with device” option on Device A
  2. Notification is delivered to Device B with an approve or deny request
  3. If approved, user is given a 6-digit code on Device B
  4. User enters the code into the prompt displayed on Device A

This method mitigates MFA fatigue because the actor is required to prove ownership of both Devices A and B at the same time. It is impossible for the user to complete authentication using only Device B.

In my opinion, this should be the default flow. Individuals would have the option to switch back and only use the approve/deny prompt, available in account settings. It should be an enforceable policy for organizations, e.g. “Require pattern-matching” under “Passwordless Login.”

Related topics + references

  • Here’s a link to a Microsoft blog on MFA fatigue mitigation: Defend your users from MFA fatigue attacks - Microsoft Community Hub.

  • Bitwarden’s own September Vault Hours, recently released on Youtube here: Bitwarden Vault Hours: September 2022 - YouTube, featured a segment talking about the issues with accept/reject authentication prompts. Minutes 10-12 cover the important parts of the attack.

  • I believe the above (steps 1-4 under “What’s the solution”) is a similar flow to Apple’s 2-step verification between a user’s trusted Apple devices. Apple also includes some metadata about the request in their approve/deny step where they show the user the estimated geo-location of Device A. I’m not sure if that’s a necessary addition for Bitwarden.

Thanks for the suggestion! Just to clarify, approval requests can only be sent from known devices that you have logged into at least once before with your master password.

It also includes a matching fingerprint on both devices for review.

I wouldn’t want to enter a code all the time.

MFA fatigue is like saying if the robber knocks on your door enough, you’ll eventually open the door and let him in.

I think there should be an option to block for an hour or two if you get repeated attempts.

Thanks for the feedback, there are limits to how often a request can be sent, and these can only come from ‘known devices’ as described above.

For most use, you are right, the device prompt is only a convenience available to trusted devices where the user has already logged in. That’s why I believe the user should have a choice.

This thinking is also flawed. It assumes that all devices the user has signed into can be trusted. That’s not true for many users, especially enterprise customers. Bitwarden should be able to adapt to its customers’ individual risk models.

Thanks for the expanded information, in the meantime this functionality is not available for teams and enterprise accounts with SSO enabled, and for those that can use, it must be toggled on, on the mobile device. Keep the feedback coming! :+1:

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