Passwordless-only Login To The Vault


Note: I searched before posting this. Couldn’t find anything like that.

Feature request headline: Replacing The Master Password!
As the passwordless is moving forward, I would like a feature that will allow me to log in to the bitwarden vault ONLY via passkeys or security key, not the master password. It’s more secure. I’m talking about all the apps. The web-vault, all the desktop, mobile apps and browser extensions, all of it.

BUT! Not without a backup, of course. I believe there should also be backup ways to log in, there could be many options such as email, recovery codes, fingerprint-phrase. I think you get the idea.

Right now logging in via the master password is risky because people can see me typing my password, and even though I type fast, I can’t be too careful here. I also have to remember the master password, changing it often.

It’s not just inconvenient, but also subjected to attacks or someone capturing my master password somehow. Anyway you get the idea, it’s less secure.

That’s it guys. I hope there are already plans laid out for that. If not, I’d definitely want to use the best password manager on earth this way.

Best of regards,
Tal Sabadia

14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ditch the master password in favor of passkeys