Creating a new login or changing a password, an autocomplete popup appears giving you the option to use a newly generated random password. Select it, and it correctly fills the password and password confirmation fields, but it does not copy the password to the clipboard, it does not recognize that new login credentials have been generated, and doesn’t track the password in the password generator history, either. Basically, it assigns a random password that you neither know, have saved in your vault, or can otherwise discover.
There seem to be other issues present (e.g., the missing word separator characters), but the generated password is definitely stored in the extension’s global password history.
Since yesterday, I tested this a bit - and I would say, the inline menu password generation in combination with the “add login” function is indeed not very consistently or reliably functioning for me. (BTW, there’s a recent blog article about it: Create a strong password for a new login with one click | Bitwarden Blog that also indicates how it should work)
I think I have seen now about every combination:
on website’s I have already at least one login item for, that function isn’t even shown (though understandable, but sometimes creating more than one account is also needed)
on some sites I have to fill in an email first, then generate a password, and only then I was even shown the + Add login option (and the generated password is automatically filled in the then-opening extension window for adding the login item) PS: ah, but when the password was generated like that, I can see it also in the general generator’s history, like @grb wrote
on other sites, I see the + Add login option directly and by clicking it, the extension window for adding a login item opens, but this time obviously I have to generate the password etc. there, save the item, and then can auto-fill in the data of the newly created login item
and I think on other sites (that I don’t have logins for stored), I neither saw the generator’s password-creation offer nor the + Add login option…
I guess, there’s a connection to the acuity of field-detection for identities and auto-fill in general?!