Passphrase Generator 6 word minimum except on mobile

When trying to create a new passphrase using the generator in a Browser add-on or the Windows Bitwarden apps, it seems I can’t generate a phrase with less than 6 words. However, on the mobile I can generate with 3 words.

This seems like an odd choice:

  • Is 3, 4 or 5 words somehow more secure if it is done on a mobile?
  • Should the user not be able to choose any number they like?

My use case here is generating passphrases to share with other people when resetting passwords. It is hard enough to get them to accept passphrases as it is. When I tell them they need to type in 6 words they look at me like I am crazy - then they will reset them to something short and less secure the first opportunity they get.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Return default Passphrase length to 3 words or allow users to select fewer than 6