Passkeys: Separate options to disable popups on saving and using saved passkeys

Using: Latest self-hosted Bitwarden unified → Browser extension (Chromium engine browser)
How it is right now: In the browser extension under Notifications, it shows the option to turn off “Ask to save and use passkeys”

What I am hoping for: That it is possible to separate this option so that we can individually turn off notifications for saving and/or using passkeys instead of both

Why I am hoping for it: I use 2 managers… 1 for passwords and 1 for MFA.
The issue is that some sites use passkeys for the login part (and thus get placed in the passwords manager) and some use passkeys for their 2FA (which belong in the MFA manager)
The issue is that when an passkey is saved in the other manager instead of BW, BW pops up and asks to save the passkey (which I dont want) … however turning off the settings makes it so that if I have a website that does require the passkey in BW, it doesnt popup anymore.
The only current way to work around this is manually add domains to the exclusionlist in BW, but that list keeps getting longer and longer which isnt great… thus simply separating the 2 notification options in the extension setting would fix any issues I have with this.

I don’t think that this would solve the problem described in your use-case. If you wish to have any passkeys in Bitwarden (whether for passwordless login or for MFA), then this will only work if you are able to both save the passkeys in Bitwarden and later use those passkeys. If you enable “save” but disable “use”, then the passkeys stored in Bitwarden become, well… unusable. If you enable “use” but disable “save”, then there would be no passkeys saved in Bitwarden available for you to use.