Passkey Prompt - Only Once, Never Again - How to Reset?

I use passkeys and a Yubikey. I accidentally clicked “never again” for the passkey prompt instead of hitting “just once.” How do I reset this so I can use my BW passkey instead of my Yubikey?

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@southerndoc Go to the browser extension → Settings → Excluded domains.

And there, delete the domain, that you excluded by error.

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Awesome! Thank you! I accidentally clicked it thinking I was trying to disable the passkey prompt to use my Yubikey for Google. I forgot it wasn’t the Yubikey I assigned but the actual Passkey.

Click on Bitwarden Extension/Settings/Notifications/Excluded domains.
Here: Delete the domains you want and then click Save.
I got trouble finding the right spot following your guide so I had to open all the settings in order to find “Excluded domains” on my own.
Thanks, anyway.

The layout of the browser extension settings screens was redesigned by Bitwarden after the response from @Nail1684 was given on June 2.

If you had trouble finding the setting, you could have asked.

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Thank you .I use youby keys on all my important accounts. but want to play around with non-essential web sites. I need to learn a lot more about passkeys and how strong? they are. compared to a youbykey

You do know that you possibly already store passkeys on your YubiKey? - Passkeys and YubiKeys are not “opposites”. The passkeys you can store on the YubiKey are then called “device-bound”… and the passkeys you can store in Bitwarden are then called “syncable”. :wink:

No I did not know that. I am a OLD dog. Passkeys have me baffled, I bought another key from 2fc ? it’s supposed to store up to 300 of them.

Thing is I’m not sure how strong or secure they are. so my sensitive accounts have 3 Yubikeys saved in those accounts. I found where to delete the 3 web sites in Bitwarden that I said no to passkeys.

But I might just start saving them in Bitwarden , I read there was a " standards " paper that just came out on how to use them from site to site , so I’m hoping it will be ever better and just start using them

thank you for the info .

For Bitwarden, actually many of the help sites are quite helpful - here the help site for passkey storage with Bitwarden: Storing Passkeys | Bitwarden Help Center

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I agree this site is very good. ALL I need now is time and brainpower

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